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Standing on the shore, watching and waiting, we all a part of everything that is unfolding, we apart of the crime, the heroes, the lies and the truth! Can we save the world, yes of course, the miracle is that we learn to save ourselves and then each other! First place the oxygen mask around your face, secure it and tug on it to release the oxygen, when you are breathing normally assist those around you. First, we have to learn to help ourselves and that starts with first, do no harm! If we can abide by that simple but effective rule we eliminate 90% of the bullshit that we inevitably bring on ourselves.
  The task is simple enough, stand before a mirror and look at what you see, look at the being that is YOU. Those are uniquely your hands, your body, your legs, your smile and your eyes! You were conceived and spent 9 months living within another being, being carried about like excess baggage, you listened to tears, laughter and you knew the sound of your mothers voice.  You are precious and beautiful and wonderfully made, but most importantly this life is a gift to you, I know it doesn't feel that way, the human race has been hijacked, lied too and misled about everything, we are born free and turned into economic slaves, programmed to do the bidding of our masters.  But there is freedom and freedom is found in the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
A life for a life! This is the bargaining chip and only the life of a King could ransom the world and set the people of the Lord of Creation free! For whom God sets free is free indeed! We are free from the guilt and sin and fear and loathing that belongs to those that choose to wear the robes of this world. You have a choice, reach out for your oxygen mask and place it securely over your face, tug to insure the free flowing air and when you are breathing freely assist those beside you. Reach out for Jesus, make Him King of your life while you can, repent daily and when you are breathing assist those beside you.
    A mother is a blessing. A baby is a gift, being a mother is a treasure and watching your babies grow and become beautiful accomplished adults is precious, too precious to describe and then a law is passed that makes it okay to terminate a pregnancy at full term. We are all pro life, because we are alive, no one aborted anyone that walks among us unless you are anything but a human being, then your entire existence is yours to examine and question. But for those claiming to be human, our existence is solely dependent on mothers. If you looking for condemnation, this is not the place, many women have chosen to end their pregnancies and this is entirely their prerogative, but we need to fully comprehend what we are doing when we choose to end a life. I have watched the documentaries and listened and pondered on this epidemic and incredulously, we created this epidemic.  There are living, breathing people that cannot meet the criteria required for parenting, these are drug addicts, and as China has just ruled transgenders. Not one word is said about this, but we making laws that allow full term babies to be murdered within the womb, the safest place on Earth for a baby. It's much like killing a dog really, the baby is injected with medication that stops the heart and then the baby is sucked from the womb in bits and pieces, the mother can opt out for the medication, this means that her baby will quite literally be pulled apart within the womb. It takes 45 min for a puppy to die after being injected with the blue death drug inserted in the naval, how long does it take to rip your baby from within a place of safety? Precious little hands, feet, a face and a body, mind and soul all waiting to grow and become a person, the child has rights, well apparently not! Apparently there are no rights for any of us. There is birth control. There is sterilization. None of us have to endure the heartache of an unplanned pregnancy. Not one of us.
I don't know how anyone sleeps at night, knowing what you have done. We have not fought hard enough for the right to life and we have no fought for sterilization and birth control, We have stood back allowed this deranged mentality to fester and take hold and now we are drowning in our own lack of action. How do you justify fertility programs when you are aborting full term babies and what are you doing with the bits and pieces that once formed a living body? God said the days would be shortened for men's hearts would not stand the end of times, well this is just the beginning and how do we live with ourselves? This isn't an unwanted puppy, this is a baby. You conceived this child. You are living, breathing, walking here because someone believed in you and wanted you, you are a gift to all of us, how can you not see the treasure that lives within you?
That's not just a pregnancy. That is life. Life is growing inside you and you can hear the heart beating, see the bay within you and you get to feel the movement and know life is living inside you. You are about to become a mother. You are about to receive the greatest gift and privilege ever given to humanity. Don't let them take your baby, don't let them kill what has every right to live and every right to grow and become another part of you.
 But if you know what life is worth
You will look for yours on earth
This is your baby! It's your body and only you have the right to decide, you are not garbage, you would never throw away your belongings like trash, why would you allow them to suck the life out of you bit by bit, piece by piece and lets not imagine the pain and suffering of that baby. This is your body! You feed it, gym it, keep it looking good and clothe it in expensive clothes, but you going to kill everything that will complete you and you call yourself a woman. No wonder they call themselves: nasty women! They know just how nasty they are! Only their guilt isn't yours. Their choice is not yours. You are free to choose life and free to be a mother. There is a way, there is always a way, God makes a way for all who look for guidance and leadership. There is hope, when all seems hopeless, there is love when there seems only hate. There is forgiveness and there is a tomorrow because you decide! 
Let them talk....they can say anything they want too....but you fight for the right to be a mother! You fight for what is a gift, for what is beautiful, innocent and you give life. 
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Preacher man, don't tell me
Heaven is under the earth
I know you don't know
What life is really worth
It's not all that glitters is gold
'Alf the story has never been told
So now you see the light, eh!
Stand up for your rights. Come on!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!
Most people think
Great God will come from the skies
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You will look for yours on earth
And now….....thank you Bob Marley! 


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