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His all about his kids: Chris Watts and Kissinger

Who is Nichol Lee Kissinger?
I asked that question in a previous blog, just discovered that Christopher and Nikki have something in common, they both share the name Lee. Christopher Lee Watts age 33 kills his wife, unborn baby and two daughters and everyone is asking why? Armchair Detective answered that with a great video, where he tells you that the answer is staring you right in the face: Nichol Lee Kissinger. Motive: she wanted to be number one in his life. See Chris understood this, it was after all his big problem with his marriage, Shanann needed Chris and Chris wanted to be needed, he needed to be needed. Narcissists feed on power, it's their currency.  He cannot talk about Nikki, he whispered to his father that the police know about her, but he cannot talk about her and he goes on to confess that she killed the girls. He was adamant that he did not take the life of his little girls, it's probably the  only true words he has ever spoken, he couldn't kill them. Nikki and Chris spent hours on the phone on the night of 12 August 2018. While Shanann was delayed, they were discussing what exactly for all those hours? Now the FBI and police agencies are playing dumb here and pretending they cannot retrieve the conversations, so Edwin Snowden lied and Big Brother is not listening on our conversation. The house has an Alexa. In one of Shanann's Facebook vlogs, she is dancing to Footloose with Chris and cooking and we can clearly hear her telling Alexa to turn the volume down, so what did Alexa record? The security company will know if Chris tampered with the equipment and we have neighbors that place a grey van outside his home, parked in his usual parking space....and we have Kissinger's phone that pings after 6 am on the morning of the 13 August 2018 in Fredrick area. She was still at the house and that's why Chris was in such a panic when he arrived home, he went to go and check to make sure she had locked up properly. All this technology and Kissinger still gets a free ride.
       She is an accessory to murder! She is motive! She is the sole reason 4 lives were taken and in her own words, he is all about his kids! When you want to be the one and only and you are so desperate to steal your fathers love that's when this bitch must be stopped. Where is she today? Witness protection. What crime did she witness? You can run sweetheart, but your true nature will expose itself and you will hunt and this will replay itself and there will be more victims because people who prey on others must be stopped.  The sole purpose of the justice system is there to hold those accountable who have lost all respect for the law and she stalked Shanann, but she did not just steal a husband, no she took everything from him, she took his self respect, his life and his love for his daughters, because somewhere inside him, he did love those girls. She knew it and she hated it. She wanted to own him, control him and make him hers forever. They truly thought they could wipe out this woman and erase her existence as though she had never lived.......they had no idea how love works and that love holds and binds and ties us together. I doubt Nikki has had more than a few friends, Shanann was loved and she was beautiful, intelligent, gorgeous and filled with love. Something Nikki wanted to destroy. His all about his girls. Her words written in a text message to a friend on the Sunday, 12 August 2018, while Chris and the girls were at a pool party. Why on the 12th did she decide to tell her friend that she was seeing a guy, just a guy....not sure if he is something special, not sure if she will keep him, but she thinks he likes her. Is that because on his day off he drove miles to dig a grave for his wife and son? He sent her pics of the field, folks are saying the wild flowers he sent her, seem to match the surroundings where he buried Shanann. The words of his text are haunting, your wish is my obsessed are you that you will stop at nothing to steal another woman's husband and take the lives of his daughters....did he take the lives of his daughters? Or did Bella fight back because she knew it wasn't her dad and she had a stranger on top of her suffocating her? Bella didn't want to go to sleep that night, she wanted to wait up for her mom.
Shanann had spent the weekend sick, not eating, not drinking, she was in pain and every nerve inside her was screaming that something was horribly wrong. Intuitive people feel this way when people are plotting against them.  Chris knew his wife, his behavior was so unexpected and she was confused and unable to read the signs the Universe was giving her. Yes, she wanted to stay in North Carolina with her parents, but she was a strong, independent woman, she did not hide from life, she faced her struggles head on and what Christopher Watts and Kissinger did is unacceptable. The Universe will not allow you to treat someone who steps with courage and determination, right up until the moment he took her life, she never backed down. She pushed forward, she did not run and she did not miss a step. She walked up that drive and opened the door and confronted her husband. What took place in that house, Kissinger knows damn well and Watts is a coward for he did not defend his daughters. Whatever is left that lives and dwells in the shell of this man is irrelevant to me, he is stealing oxygen and there is nothing that I have to say about him. He betrayed everything that Nikki wanted, she wanted total control and power of him and she may have that, but she will never have him. He will undoubtedly think of her, but all she will be is just a thought, and for her? She has the victory here. She defeated the justice system. She won. Nichol Lee Kissinger always wins.
The names and dates will change but there will always be a Nikki in our lives that wants what we have, but to take the love that a father has for his children and steal that from the child is monstrous.  The relationship of child and parent must be protected at all costs, this is your father and your mother and you will honor thy parents!
Nikki, you stole the love that a father has for his children, (he is all about his kids) there can be no greater crime!
You demanded that he make you his queen, that he serve only you and the price you demanded was the lives of 4 truly beautiful souls. Do you have any idea how the Universe is about to punish you?
No good deed goes unpunished, Karma is a bitch!
Pay attention to your intuition!
Listen to your inner voice!
The warnings are real, it's not all in your head, listen and be open to adjusting your plans.
Live and be happy, love and laugh and know you are uniquely and only YOU!
Your life is a gift and you are pure inspiration.
God bless and be careful.....this world is filled with Nikki's!


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