It's a virus, a deadly virus that captured worldwide constitutions, claimed more rights than any civilian and turned forces paid by taxpayers against the very people paying for their protection. This is a time of the greatest injustice and the silence of humanity. We all ask ourselves is it a mask or muzzle and we know it's a muzzle. Brainwashing. Being told to shut up and do as we are told. We have lost everything and now they want our souls. New Yorkers will witness a protest such as never been seen before as people rise up in solidarity against eviction. It seems it is perfectly ethical to shutdown the economy because of a virus and then take away a home, a haven from life's storms due to rent that went unpaid due to a lockdown no one wanted. We are a warring world. We do not hide from the unseen enemy, we are not afraid by nature, we live and we die so others might live. This cowardice is dispicable and it is now unquestionable that the world is suffering from extreme narcissism. The longer we sit on on our sofa's pretending everything will be alright, the deeper our troubles become and the harder it will be to survive this. This is not their object or goal, our death is all they require and the more pain and trauma they can inflict on us, well the happier they are and now you will ask who are they? They are the global elites you have been warned about, the big guns, Rothchild's, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Billy Gates, Ted Turner, but the big chief, the one pulling the strings of his minions, puppets, well Lucy/Lucifer moves in many ways. Genderless, capable of anything vile and the more disturbing the greater the accomplishment. This is not a war against you and me, no this is bigger than us. We are the pawns caught in the game and we have significant roles to play, all the world is a stage and every word you utter is part of this war for our souls. You are either for me or against me, God wants to know where we stand. The battle draws ever closer and we can feel the attack in our spirit, but we cling to the old rugged cross and we cling to Jesus Christ, our savior and our refuge. Hold to love and hold to justice. There is justice in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
1960's the USA ran drafts for the military. It was regarded as an honor to be drafted and a hero to die for your country. 2002 the military offered a steady paycheck and higher education, the military became a career. 2020 we hiding in our homes. A deadly virus is on the streets, lurking watching and preying on those unsuspecting no immune system citizens. We have guns, food but no courage.
Everything that those who died and sacrificed their lives for, we happily allowed our governments to piss on, oh I am mad as hell, I am furious. My country, the land that you step on, has soaked up more blood than you can ever imagine. Gross cruel inhumane deeds the land witnessed and in silence the fields yielded as the land was sowed and harvests reaped and profits made from what is never ours to own. We cannot own something if we are temporarily here. There is no right or ownership. We are renting and our children will rent and their children will rent, nothing belongs to us and yet, you cannot see this. My house is not my house. When I die the building stands along with all my precious possessions and I know this. I know my children have little or no respect what is mine. They have their own treasures. I own nothing and nothing here is mine. No need committing suicide. Nothing of importance has been taken from you, your life is all that counts, your Soul is what they hunting. The Soul is the gem that belongs to God, creator of this world, His name is written in our DNA:
We belong to the King of Kings and we are not the property of this world.
If you going to take away jobs then you have to freeze the economy! How can anyone expect a nation to pay expenses with zero income? This alone proves the minds of those in charge are ill. Mental illness has gripped our leaders and they are the zombie apocalypse. A lie remains a lie and will wither when confronted by truth. Every country has a constitution and every human being has fundamental human rights, violated by the World Health organisation or simply Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Chemtrails, denied and denied and many branded conspiracy theorists, only now he openly admits to owning the companies chemtrailing our skies, poisoning us. GMO's how many of you screamed only buy organic. Where is anything organic when our water and air are poisonous? But we buying organic and eating healthy.
The economy had to face a world wide freeze on everything.
It's unconstitutional to take away our homes due to this lockdown and we know why, you all want those fema camps filled real fast. Split families, take away children from their parents, separate husbands and wives and all those old second world war images come flooding back again. The wet dream of force that opposes love with every fibre of it's dead sick twisted being. I am one woman. My views may or may not be supported by others, my opinions are my own for as long as I have a mind and fingers to type, I will state my case and you will bear witness to my testimony.
It is a fundamental basic human right to have a home.
How dare you send your villains into someone's sanctuary and take their haven from them?
Your contempt for humanity has not gone unnoticed. We have swallowed our contempt for you, paid our taxes, bled and died, sacrificed sons and daughters for our respective lands, all in the name of patriotic duty and here we are jobs lost, and we afraid over a damn virus! I would rather die on my feet than die hiding in my house. But you know this and so greater is your joy for watching us suffer through these past weeks. This is only the beginning of our suffering. We should in truth be writing as much as we can of everything we experience daily, for never has the world experienced such deceit.
Undoubtedly there is an agenda and a plan and it's amusing when we read Trust The Plan, yes, it's quite evident the trustworthiness of governments.
You fought for your country, you were prepared to lay down your life and take a bullet for your country and here you are hiding from a virus???? God help me I am confused.
1960's the USA ran drafts for the military. It was regarded as an honor to be drafted and a hero to die for your country. 2002 the military offered a steady paycheck and higher education, the military became a career. 2020 we hiding in our homes. A deadly virus is on the streets, lurking watching and preying on those unsuspecting no immune system citizens. We have guns, food but no courage.
Everything that those who died and sacrificed their lives for, we happily allowed our governments to piss on, oh I am mad as hell, I am furious. My country, the land that you step on, has soaked up more blood than you can ever imagine. Gross cruel inhumane deeds the land witnessed and in silence the fields yielded as the land was sowed and harvests reaped and profits made from what is never ours to own. We cannot own something if we are temporarily here. There is no right or ownership. We are renting and our children will rent and their children will rent, nothing belongs to us and yet, you cannot see this. My house is not my house. When I die the building stands along with all my precious possessions and I know this. I know my children have little or no respect what is mine. They have their own treasures. I own nothing and nothing here is mine. No need committing suicide. Nothing of importance has been taken from you, your life is all that counts, your Soul is what they hunting. The Soul is the gem that belongs to God, creator of this world, His name is written in our DNA:
We belong to the King of Kings and we are not the property of this world.
If you going to take away jobs then you have to freeze the economy! How can anyone expect a nation to pay expenses with zero income? This alone proves the minds of those in charge are ill. Mental illness has gripped our leaders and they are the zombie apocalypse. A lie remains a lie and will wither when confronted by truth. Every country has a constitution and every human being has fundamental human rights, violated by the World Health organisation or simply Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Chemtrails, denied and denied and many branded conspiracy theorists, only now he openly admits to owning the companies chemtrailing our skies, poisoning us. GMO's how many of you screamed only buy organic. Where is anything organic when our water and air are poisonous? But we buying organic and eating healthy.
The economy had to face a world wide freeze on everything.
It's unconstitutional to take away our homes due to this lockdown and we know why, you all want those fema camps filled real fast. Split families, take away children from their parents, separate husbands and wives and all those old second world war images come flooding back again. The wet dream of force that opposes love with every fibre of it's dead sick twisted being. I am one woman. My views may or may not be supported by others, my opinions are my own for as long as I have a mind and fingers to type, I will state my case and you will bear witness to my testimony.
It is a fundamental basic human right to have a home.
How dare you send your villains into someone's sanctuary and take their haven from them?
Your contempt for humanity has not gone unnoticed. We have swallowed our contempt for you, paid our taxes, bled and died, sacrificed sons and daughters for our respective lands, all in the name of patriotic duty and here we are jobs lost, and we afraid over a damn virus! I would rather die on my feet than die hiding in my house. But you know this and so greater is your joy for watching us suffer through these past weeks. This is only the beginning of our suffering. We should in truth be writing as much as we can of everything we experience daily, for never has the world experienced such deceit.
Undoubtedly there is an agenda and a plan and it's amusing when we read Trust The Plan, yes, it's quite evident the trustworthiness of governments.
You fought for your country, you were prepared to lay down your life and take a bullet for your country and here you are hiding from a virus???? God help me I am confused.
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