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Dear Bill Gates.......I won't be taking that Vaccine!

Dear Bill Gates,

It was the 47 500 children you paralysed in India with your polio drops. Right there and then, I knew you were trouble, but I was clueless.
 See, this happens when a computer geek who fails to solve the virus in the technology he holds such claim to fame. Congratulations, you scammed us beautifully with Microsoft. A never ending need to purchase Microsoft products. You created the virus or was that a conspiracy theory, which caused all of us to purchase microsoft products. I wonder, do you create virus's and then wait 18 months to develop a vaccine when in fact you already have the vaccine? I am curious to wonder by what stretch of the imagination you feel qualified to address yourself as an expert in healthcare? Money opens many doors for many folks, some call themselves philanthropist, while others are quite content being known as sharks. You are the most awful liar and really you should never speak in public, give interviews or public speaking. Your body language betrays your every spoken word. Your twitching, gasping, gurgling, smirking, smiling, screams deception. Now I know you think you are god, but sadly you are just a man as the rest of humanity. WE have on this planet Earth rights, human rights.
You are violating all of our God given Human rights. I need to point this out to you because you labor under the impression that you are a good guy, well you want us all to think this of you. Here are ten:

ALL men are created equal. You see we are born naked into this world and it is an accident of birth that you became rich, powerful and world domineering. You could well have been born black and in Kenya and run for president, but you know Obama is genetically engineered. Only way a black man from Kenya could become president and be related to royalty and the Bush family. I digress.
The Right To Your Own Possessions!
You want to come into our home and take away our property, take away our lives oh wait, you want us dead.
Freedom of thought: Oh dear, did you just pass out? We do and can think you know. Public schools are not all that bad, but then with 5G we can kiss our education and children goodbye.
Freedom of Expression: That just will not fit the bill.
You really didn't like this one. The Right To Public Assembly. You know very well it is written that where two or three are gathered Matthew 18:20 Did you come up with social distancing? Do you find it awkward socially? I can help you with this. I too, struggle socially, there is a trick, I just haven't quite discovered it yet.
The Right to Democracy........maybe after everyone is vaccinated?
Social Security.....hell no, that's out, money for nothing? What a novel idea.
Workers Rights: Having lost our jobs and being locked away in our homes, you truly violated the hell out of this law.
What did you do? Ramaphosa I understand. The man has no loyalty but to Ka-ching. He serves power and he serves money and uses God effectively to disguise his greed.

I wanted to take this opportunity and tell you personally that no matter your motives or your intentions, none of my family will take any form of vaccinations or medical. I am not an anti-vaxxer, I am anti-you Bill Gates. I want to ask you by who's authority do you stand and proclaim that the world is overpopulated? On who's authority? Our God told Abraham that as sand to the sea, so shall be my children, neither measured or counted. Did WE the people cause the pollution? Devastate this planet? No! You, elites with your constant drive to sell and own and control, killed this world. The NEXT epidemic is going to be truly bad, it's going to be ebola-like virus isn't it?  And we will truly suffer. You are very cruel, devious, evil man. It is my duty to remind you that there still is room at the Cross for you. Jesus loves you, repent and relent and be the man that somewhere inside you, you want to be. This evil is sucking the life out of you. The love of Jesus shines in the faces of God fearing men. Acts 5 tells of a wise Pharisee, who cautioned those around him who wanted to punish the disciples for preaching in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He told them to be careful, for if these men spoke on behalf of God, they may well find themselves fighting God. But if this teaching was of man it would simply with time fade away.

We are fighting God. Playing God. Pretending God does not exist.

I want to ask you Mr Gates, why is there a Facebook page opened in 2016 by the group titled: Covid-19? It's so confusing. See, Covid-19 was only born 11 February 2020. It was birthed in December 2019, but this new deadly pandemic, this terrifying disease, this killer virus, was registered on Facebook and July 2017 a covid-19 post updated the symptoms and stats of the virus.
You closed God's churches, but they had made enough money, stolen from God's people.
You have taken our jobs, our lives, shattered hopes and dreams and deprived us of essential items.
You have told us when we can move and when we can't, you have bruised us, beaten us and punished us and we committed no crime against you. This virus has been with us and many have died from covid-19 only you called it the flu and quoted cute stats and numbers. You are quite the bean cruncher, all about numbers. I just wanted to take this opportunity and tell you what you could have done. See you could have been awesome, you could have been magnificent and you could truly have made this world a better place. Stop with the vaccines. We are divinely created, when you take a vaccine call me and I may reconsider. WE are unique and beautiful and everyone of us has a fundamental basic right to be alive and live as God intended. Every man has a right to decide for himself. You are narcissistic with severe control  issues perhaps? I don't know, I am merely a mother and an awesome human being. I won't be taking your vaccines. I won't be taking any tests. I won't be subjected to your concept of life.I am the property of Jesus Christ.  I am born free and belong to the Kingdom of God. Let no man deceive you and bow to God so we can stand before men. You are not god.

I hope someone finds the courage to stand up against you and I hope that every plan you make comes unravelled and I pray for your soul and for the souls on this Earth.



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