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Mail and Guardian?

We washed our windows, theft, crime, and political corruption cleaned our windows and somehow the sports page brought a sheen to the panes. Dedicated journalists, pulitzer prize winner in which came wrapped our dinner. Scrunched and rolled up newspapers with a mere flick of a match and a sigh, a fire did provide.  From crossword puzzles, sudoku and the funnies, hatched, matched and dispatched, life revolved around the newspaper.  Careers made, careers broken, the story of our lives written crafted to create the perfect narrative. In the end, we cleaned our windows, dried our floors, sold our fish and chips, and after all is said and done, the only mail that ever mattered is every bill demanding payment and the only guardian we can count on the one man who never claimed to have silver or gold, but what He had He gave away freely. The perfect betrayal of every written word, carefully crafted to lead and deceive, not heroes, but liars devoid of a soul. Creatures that feed on pain and torment, hounding, seeking, devouring the soul. We all out of control. 

We need to STOP.

Stop posting, stop writing, stop recording and listen. It's a faint whisper, listen. 

It's there I promise, if you stand perfectly still and just listen, the whisper is Life, all hope, all love, all possibility, all forgiveness, all things being made new. The wonder of Jesus is that WestWorld validates and corroborates Jesus to perfection. The maze is not a triangle, the maze leads to inner conscience. Because the kingdom of God is within. The reason we are human, the perfect beings created to thrive not merely survive on this planet, we thrive. Perfection and nothing your precious Artificial Intelligence can ever be programmed to copy, paste and repeat sequence. Programmed to please, how limited is your vision, how narrow is your mind, you want to be gods of creation while you have poisoned and destroyed all you have touched. Death and decay follow where your footsteps touch, steal, kill and destroy, you are the exact opposite of everything we seek, desire and cling too. WE hold to love. We hold to justice. We defend our laws and we defend our constitutions and we stand for those your cold blooded mercilessly redrum.  

Your plans have failed, you will destroyed, it's over now. Perhaps in time you will realize, the speech JFK gave was not meant for the reader, but the writer! Perhaps in time you will understand that creativity and freedom can never be controlled or suppressed. Your death is not our death, it's just your death. You will die, there will be no hell except for the demons within you, but you as yourself, you have no destiny. There is no life after death unless you meet the man from Galilee. You will admit to the fact that you are the kid of the goat, perhaps in time people will see that I, pet goat 2 actually means, I am a pet goat too and not the lamb of God, a sheep, or part of the flock. This is why they call them kids, goats have kids. Propaganda. There's a word for you, a proper ganda ( a proper look) at our lives, Gandering along,  looking, observing, never questioning, always observing, but it matters nothing as all your plots and plans accomplished was sparkling windows. 

No one cares about anything anymore, thank the goats foundation, thank event 201, thank him, the destroyer and death follows him everywhere he goes. People are going to vote Trump because they don't care, it's just one more load of bullshit required to get us through the day. Doctors who sacrificed hours, their lives studying medicine, handcuffed by lies and deceit fed to us by impersonating medical experts. Lies, deceit and theft used to wrap up the dog doddle on the lawn. 

Then there are the carefully crafted history books and the autobiography and biographies embellished along with modesty and noteworthiness, books so superior as to demand judgment and condemnation for our ruthless ignorant disregard. No! Actually we know you are full of shit and we read fiction because quite simply it's as close to the truth as you will ever dare to venture. Truth, our confused minds debate what is truth and truth is subjective. There are versions to truth. How crafty and witty the evil of the plans we face, but always remember the truth is fact. Is Trump president? Yes! This is strictly law, answer yes or no, do not elaborate. Yes or no only! 

Truth is knowing and deep down in the depth of our beings, We Know! We just need to discover that we are writing this history, we are the authors here, this is the power of social media, this is the double edge sword. This cannot be rolled up into a ball, but we are the fire.  There is no newspaper here to wash windows, only windows that lead us to facebook and instagram and twitter along we go. We make things viral, while goats may have given us the virus, together we are the cure. 


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