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Perfume of Roses

2020 and we still buying the lies. 

Once the truth broke about the scandal involving the Titanic and how the sister ship damaged returning from her voyage, outfitted to take the place of the Titanic, knowing they were sailing with a damaged ship, knowing they were in dangerous waters, trusting the Californian to come to their rescue. We would think the captain warned the crew not to send messages to keep all channels open for communication, had the guilt not weighed down on his shoulders, perhaps this would have indeed been the Captains orders, instead of crew busy sending late telegrams jamming communications, the Californian went unnotified. Later the captain of this ship would commit suicide, and the Titanic would go on to save the war and be the known as the Olympic. Such devastating deceit. The death of JFK. Devastating deceit. September 11 2001. The day the world stood still and nuclear weapons were used on home ground and people were told the air was good to breathe and congress refused to fund medical expenses of first hand responders. The wicked deeds of man. But nothing compares to 2020 and the shame of humanity, the cold deceit, the death of dreams and businesses, the slaughter of cattle and the weeping farmers. The death of dreams, the death of life as we know it and what we pray we return to and call normal. 

Now we running around wearing our muzzles, avoiding eye contact,  hounded by the medical world of germs and bacteria as virus mutates and hunts especially after dark. No crowds, no gathering, no visiting, no sharing and caring is out the door. We disinfected, cold and almost perfected and we buying all their jargon and walking the straight and narrow, we stopped hoping for a better tomorrow. We hide our eyes from their prying merciless gaze, we stand still as we are measured, our body temperature carefully checked and licensed we shall be for it a crime to walk around free. I am telling you now and I am telling you true, do what you must do, I am not standing here to walk your way, I stand here because I am free and I am your enemy. I will visit, I will gather, I shall do whatever the hell I want, there is no court of law, you will make sure my case is lost and and oppose all that I say and do, I don't care, I am not afraid of you. 

You lied from the very start, you lied about every single part of this game we playing, you changed the rules to suit yourself, contempt and disappointment is all I feel, I am ashamed of you and wish you would heel. Cease and Desist is what you need to do, but instead you all puffed up and about to do unspeakable things that will make this world wail and weep and shatter everything that is beautiful, you want this, you dream of inflicting pain and spend hours plotting hurt and despair, we can feel your breath of death in the air. It's pitiful this lust and greed, at the end when all is said and done, you are dead. 

You have purchased nothing with your greed, you saved no one with your insanity, you broke everything you touch and still you want to touch so much. At the end of the day, hungry we are and hungry we shall be, but guess what, Jesus feeds me. Homeless am I, you repossessed my house, but Jesus comes to take me home to a place you can't repossess. You can't touch what does not belong to you, my life is not mine, it rests in Jesus and all I have is time, Time to stand here on this shore, time to watch the closing door, time to see you hate and break and whip and hurt, your cruelty impresses only you, it's senseless stupidity. 

It's a spiritual war of death vs life, of love vs hate of anger vs forgiveness, it's a war unlike any other and it's fought right here and now, but it's not my war, I am a vessel biding time, I am here to do God's bidding, you are here just for yourself. You have no interest in my fate, I must confess, neither do I, I am here to witness all that you do, to watch and survey and take notes for one day. I am not living for me, I am alive because so is He, only because He lives do I breathe and smile, do I sing and strive and live for another day, because He lives there is no other way. Were I here alone, nothing would matter, you would shatter all that I held dear, you would be the end of me, this is know, because He lives so do I! 

Perfume of Roses.............God's gift to me. 


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