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Joe Biden creating prostitutes of a Nation.

Here is your future at absolutely no cost to anyone, this is all free information so please feel free to ignore as you undoubtedly shall do so, because well we all know so much better! 

Firstly there are those among us that are prostitutes', clear and simple, you would trade your right to vote, your voice is for sale and there are those that sell out all the time. Oh yes you do and that's why the world is busy dying! So, Joe Biden offers you debt relief and suddenly the stumbling president is now a hero? Debt relief for a service to the nation, this being education, for it benefits all of humanity if we are educated, but there are levels and suppression and control. It's hard to process how a nation can turn so quickly and decisively in opinion when money is dangled and the promise of success followed with a guarantee of death. One thing I have come to notice is that rock stars are doomed to sing the same song over and over and over again, how many times can any mere mortal sing I can feel it coming in the air tonight. Music has a life of it's own, it rules the heart the mind and the soul, so beware what you are listening too. But you already know this, this is nothing new. When Men Down Under, they down under not above but under, get it, men down under...tell us WHO can it be now and wow, W.H.O. is knocking at my door, stay away, don't come knock here no more, we sung into existence our own trap, our own suffering, our greed created the world we live in and since you all have chosen to reject Jesus Christ of Nazareth, my, my, my, how Hollywood loves to torment and hurt the One true living, loving Lord. You know exactly who Jesus is and He is not coming to hurt you, he comes to give you life and give you peace. You don't get to hurt no more, You get to release and know you are not alone, and Jesus leads you and fulfills you and gives you peace. But you don't want this. You want a house, a car, what the neighbors have, has anyone else noticed the abuse of the 10th Commandment lately, they long ago trashed thou shalt not kill and thou shall not steal well that was never taken seriously, except perhaps by the specific religion that cuts off limbs, if only that applied to rapists. 

There are those among us that are going to die, do you hear me, there won't be a hell, you will be erased! Deleted. Cancelled. We live in cancel culture. We are all walking dead until we accept Jesus Christ as ours. He is ours as we are His. He leads he guides, not what I can do, Jesus sets me free and there is a peace you seek and you can find it. There is no shortage, there is an ever flowing supply. You are not required to sacrifice anything or harm anyone, Jesus comes in peace and offers protection and will guide you, if you just surrender. 

But Joe Biden and Donald Trump and Putin and China and Gates and and and....Stop! 

We are mere pawns, this is Lucifer's chess game, the black and white floors, the pieces that move effortlessly directed, a play, a story unfolding, scripted and dedicated to the lord of light, the lord of dance, the lord of music, the one light and love. He even stole the words of Jesus. 

You are hurting, torturing, killing children and God is sick of your behavior, we do not belong to you and trespassing on sacred ground. I don't believe Anne Heche is dead, she bought the wig and you were not aware of this, it's why she did what she did only it had to be a red wig, red flag!

Clones don't burn do they? Just a question, not to self: google this!

How long have you been replacing citizens , human beings with clones or are you just injecting them into society? 

We are beings of love and peace, we are created in the image of the Alpha and the Omega, we are the property of the God. The name of our Creator is stamped in our DNA. 

So here's your future: 

I really don't have to spell it out, you can feel the deadening and the numbness begin to invade your soul as you alter and move away from The Creator, with each passing day you are dying, but your soul can still find eternal peace. 

Just pray! 

You have nothing to lose at this point and yet, you will walk away and I won't know why, but Jesus knows, this nonsense that we are enduring has played out before and will continue long after i have gone, there are many chapters in Revelation, pray for all of us. 

W.H.O. World Health Organization is knocking at our door.  The song is telling not asking, it's a statement, WHO can it be now, who along with it (Information technology) and you are holding the tracking device that tells them where you are, you gave away all your protection and rights and you are vulnerable and will not survive. Somewhere deep inside you, we all know this, but see, Jesus changes everything! 


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