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 There is another Kingdom. There is another Kingdom. There is another Kingdom!

It's a place of peace, it's a place some are destined to attain, a place unlike anything we can imagine, but if you close your eyes and pray, the Holy Spirit will show you your place and where and how you have a part to play in this Kingdom. 

Kingdom of God, also called Kingdom Of Heaven, in Christianity, the spiritual realm over which God reigns as king, or the fulfillment on Earth of God's will. The phrase occurs frequently in the New Testament, primarily used by Jesus Christ in the first three Gospels.

Primarily, used by Jesus Christ. Yeshua! 

Oh, but do we know, can we grasp and understand our value to God, our Creator, His very name is stamped within our DNA! Oh yes, we are His sheep and He is the good Shepherd. Many are here now around us, claiming to be sent by Him, but it's the KNOWING! Yes, because when Jesus steps inside of us and cleansing takes place and please as we bath on a daily basis, so we need Spiritual cleansing, it is so easy to become contaminated by the world we live in as our attention is sought on a daily basis. Oh the darkness will come to steal away your joy, to break you to crush the will to live right out of you because I fight these battles daily. We all do. This is a war and the war is on our Spirits.  This is their world war three. 

 3. Abaddón

A = 1

B = 2

C = 3 Abaddon!

 Abaddon, the angel of the abyss

World War 3! The beast that was unleashed at the Common Wealth Games, common wealth, we are not their common wealth! WE ARE the children of God, the I AM, The Alpha and the Omega and God's ways are not man's ways. God does things differently! It's not for us to know or understand, but whatever we ask of our Father, in Heaven, He grants us. God is answering all my questions, gently, kindly unfolding the knowledge I seek and the questions I ask and He is available for all of us all the time because we are ONE WITH HIM. WE ARE HIS. We are HIs as He is Ours, we co-exist ah, but Lucifer comes to steal and kill and so divoc 19 was created. 

C= 3

Ovid = sheep 

19 in the Strongs The Bible means slaughter. 

Remember the song 19? By Paul HardCastle. 

Throwing Paul under the bus and declaring a hard castle, this space opposes God. The very Creator is being rejected here and we all doing this, on a daily basis, we all walking all over God. We breaking the 10 Commandments, we turning love into lust and we using the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, ours as a curse! 

There is a Kingdom where money does not matter, where Love is the currency, where caring is required, where hugging is essential. There is a kingdom under attack and that Kingdom lives with inside all of us. We are the body of Christ. 

Our words, our actions, our thoughts create Heaven or Hell. This is our power, this is how powerful we are, we create what we are experiencing, we created this and look at what we allowed our thoughts to create? It's manifesting all around us. What are we feeding on? What are we feeding on? 

Pay attention to the music that you like, the songs you sing, the words that come out of your mouth, they coming from the kingdom within you. You are not a world order, you are unique, you are love, light and all possibility. Mountains move and the Earth shakes because of the power that lives within us. We hiding from the world, afraid we don't measure up, afraid that we are lacking when in Truth, we have all we need right here inside us. 

There is a Kingdom waiting for all of us and it's so much more than what we have here and now, rich in beauty and rich in splendor, does anyone imagine for one single minute that God will allow just anyone to enter into this Kingdom? There is a code of conduct and our conduct currently is unbecoming of us a humanity! 

We do not eat insects. We have a specific diet God gave us via Daniel. 

We do not eat human flesh. This is an abomination that lives within us, we KNOW this to be true. 

We do not ever take the name of Jesus Christ as a curse word. 

We do not intentionally hurt anyone.

Our bodies are sacred and we do not allow any foreign substance into our being as pledge of promise to God, our Father in Heaven, we uphold that we belong exclusively to Heaven. In other words, we say no to vaccines. 

There is another Kingdom and we need to apply for citizenship! 



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