John Fetterman. When the the Fetterman's of the world think they can run and will win, welcome to the new world order. They do what they do cause they get told what to say and they are happy being puppets. I, Pet Goat 2, it's all about you. You are a pet goat too. The zebra fish that commit suicide by jumping into the boat of the antichrist which will come in the name of Jesus Christ and many will think this is the redemption, many will think this is judgment day, many sill celebrate and believe their savior has come, The deception is great but Jesus says my children know my voice. We live under the grace and mercy of our Father whom art in Heaven, we don't know how evil and vile this world hovers on the brink, hovering as we continue stubbornly on unwilling to stop and think. Think about what is being said, what is going on around you. Prices have always been rising, poverty will rise even further, a human being can only take so much before the mind snaps. The p...