- a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.
- a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone."he has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him"
It's pure undiluted hatred. It's spiritual and will find it's way into the hearts, minds and Souls of every man unless you encounter Jesus, Yeshua and surrender to Yeshua now and for always. This cuts the blood ties, this ends the hatred, this causes one with Yeshua, His name is pure, His name is Whole, heals and repairs, maintains and keeps us always with Him. Forgiveness pours forth like a never ending spring always replenishing. There is no thirst, no hunger, no pain, no seeking, no wanting, no needing when Jesus Christ, the Messiah walks into our lives. The Truth.
Not my truth, not our truth, I can not have my truth, there is only The Truth and everything that aligns with Him. Justice, honesty, kindness, mercy, loving, caring, giving without asking what will this cost me? What value do you place on your soul?
You do know the value of your home. You know the value of your car? But they mean nothing when there is no one standing beside you, they just things. Stuff that you thought you needed. The wheelchair we bought for Daniel now stands unused, a testimony to his suffering, a testimony to his pain, memories flood my mind, but there chair is there and I have no Daniel. What is the value of your soul? Consider if my theory regarding blood is correct and blood is the Soul, our Soul and the medical fraternity ask us to donate our blood, why? Is it because they know that there is no price on a Soul? You asking me to give my life force to another human being when we are explicitly forbidden from doing this. It's all a ritual and we have all taken part in this ritual. Our blood is sampled, tested and categorized. We are defined by the elements that make up our bodies, we are God's creation, so perfectly and wonderfully made. What value do you place on your Soul?
We have been taunted with the letter V for decades. Star Trek will be the most obvious and with Spock (not Spark that would be too obvious) even the chief goat himself, proclaims to be an avid Star Trek viewer. William Henry Gates is 201. Do the gematria, open your eyes. He planned it, he has been working along with many, many others and it's the spirit, the black matter which Celine Dion blows over her nursey full of babies and turns them into black and white gender neutral beings. They not human any more. This insidious darkness that has lurked through the hearts of man throughout the ages has come full circle and stands before us exposed in it's hunger for destruction. The beast wants to feed; do not surrender your soul.
All roads lead to Rome and in the Word of God heavily redacted and censored, we are left with 66 books, of course it would have to be 66 books! The punishment and condemnation is going to be frightening and :Lord, help me Jesus, I don't want to fall by the wayside, I must stand and be counted for Jesus. So back to all roads lead to Rome. The word of God says clearly render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and render to God what belongs to God.
Money the root of all evil. Turn it upside down and live. Yes, to live costs money and to live well costs even more money, sometimes it can cost you; your soul. So again the question, what price have you placed on your Soul?
Give to God what belongs to God and we are His as He is ours because He wrote His name in our DNA code and you know what they say? Follow the science except when the spirit of darkness and yet strangely he calls himself the god of light. He has the Roman Catholic church, his creation worshipping him. The angel of music, the owner of the g note and the significance of the lead singer. Throughout history he wrote plays, opera's, movies, television, songs; talking always telling us of his love while filling our lives with destruction and we don't even know what we are doing. We are so pure and so innocent, we bought the lies of the enlightened ones, we worshipped them and adored them and gave them space on our walls. We travelled to concerts, belted out their lyrics but they were all feeding from the same source. Because the light is a lie. It's betrayal. It's pure deception and seeks to kill and destroy, nothing will live where death walks and believe me; we are surrounded by the walking dead. We are the light, Jesus fills us and carries us as a lamp, no more a candle, no we have become a beacon in the night, we are the light of the kingdom that comes and we have to take courage and switch on our light. It's time to know that Yeshua, Lord of Lords, Messiah, Savior and Redeemer gave His life for us, for me and for you. Jew or Gentle, black, white, Republican or Democrat, ANC or just sick and tired of the game being played by our satanic leaders. Only a King could ransom the world and so He gave His Soul for us and then He went down and He fought for His life and returned victorious. Now do you understand the V for Vendetta. They had to spell it out for us. We are collateral damage, we are weapons used against Our Father, whom art in Heaven.
Yes, many great things are given to many who pursued money, fame and fortune. They all dead and they can only live through the life force of the blood of innocent children, they can not touch anyone covered and protected by The Blood of the Lamb. They long to silence the lambs, if only they could, but no, Yeshua won on the cross so long ago that it actually matters to this day. 2022 and the name of Jesus Christ is used as curse word in every Hollywood movie! Don't you dare speak His name, Jesus Christ is pure and unconditional love, there are no T's and C's, no failure, no success, there is growth and achievement and learning, listening, paying attention, humility and always grace. There is power in the name of Jesus, healing, forgiveness and mercy. What did your love for money buy you? Where is that inner peace so many rave about, where is the peace promised by our leaders, the blind lead the blind.
The mind can not understand evil, the mind knows only good thoughts, gentle thoughts, pure thoughts, happy thoughts. A new mind, heart and soul knows only happiness, the protection from the little human's parents, cuddling, holding, hugging. Very few children become adults still maintaining this innocence. Children are exposed to violence, the music their bodies are tormented with and the agonizing frequencies that this little being must adjust to is frightening. It's not quiet. It's not peaceful unless you are part of the very few having escaped into hiding. Broken wounded Spirits are easy to manipulate. Be careful what we feed our minds, watch our thoughts, our thoughts mold, shape and make the future. Be gentle with ourselves, we are harsh and demanding, there is more pressure applied than we were ever created to endure.
Understand that you have the power to create your destiny, your tomorrow, the Kingdom of God lives within us; God asks us to meditate on His word, Jesus says, flesh cannot live by bread alone! When we focus on God light floods our bodies, healing and alignment begins to take place as we draw closer to Yeshua and allow His presence to just cleanse, heal, comfort. Jesus knows each and every one of the 7 billion people on this planet. There is a place for everyone in Heaven, there is no climate change in Heaven, no taxes, no double talk, no politics, just peace. But there is a force that is actively hunting you, filling your thoughts with darkness, making you feel depressed, broken and confused.
Celine Dion knows this force, she embraces it and wants to spread it to our children. Black Lives Matter is in fact Black matter lives.......yes it wants to control you. The thief came to steal kill and destroy and You are wonderfully made, you belong to paradise. Did they not burn paradise down and steal homes and land, prohibited from returning, what happened to those land owners? Censored. Paradise was a control burn and no camp fire. Although camp fire is an interesting word when described by a narcissist. Satanists live among us and they hiding in the shadows for now.
Living on Earth comes at a price. We are born into slavery; for we were removed from Heaven. We are born to serve, on this world and in the next. We either serve Jesus as Jesus serves God for that is what love does, love serves. Only we do it out of joy, out of happiness, because we want to please God. Slavery on Earth working from nine to five, working a grave yard shift, working always working. Buying, always needing, we never have enough, wanting, craving and still we want some more. The chains we wear are chains placed on us by demons that roam this Earth, looking for the weak, looking for the empty, wanting to feed, wanting destruction, separating us further and further from God.
The Truth. The Way. The Life.
This is the calling of love, acceptance and knowing. Knowing all will be well, they can not make me do anything for I am the property of the Living Loving Alpha and Omega. I belong to another Kingdom, I am not subject to this nonsense on Earth. I am recognized under the Constitution that I am a sovereign citizen of the world and a free citizen.
Show me destruction and I will show you hatred and deception, betrayal and spite and malice. Destruction follows him because he is destruction, he is death, he refused life and died as he fell banished to dwell where he dwells.
All the world is a chess board and every move is calculated, but they don't know what God has in mind and that is Your strength. Stand strong, perhaps Lucifer has no idea what is truly going on, in the end, the master will discover that it becomes the puppet. God created this, trust and obey. God makes a way!
Watch and see for yourself. Sure they have plans, sure God knows their plans, but God is the Creator.
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