Graves! Crematoriums! All silent testimonies of legal murder, uninvestigated, legalized murder. A young man age 28 walks into a chemotherapy and the doctors and those administering the poison watch as this young man, then drags himself and then is finally wheeled into their cancer care unit where he is administered three fatal chemotherapy sessions and 18 days later at the age of 29 takes his final breath. No word from this cancer care, no phone call from the doctor, no communication, business is now concluded, well, you just killed my son. You killed him and you know it. Dr. Watson in Port Elizabeth you will not escape justice. There are many walking towards their graves, clinging to hope, clinging to the poison you are administering in the name of health care. You took the life of my son knowing full well what you were doing. He was scheduled for one therapy session, one dose of chemo, but no, you authorized three sessions. One and half hours you pumped poisons into a body that was already broken already crushed and still you kept on, did anyone not stop to think three treatments were too much. How did he go from one treatment to three? He was due to be there for one treatment, a half an hour and he received three drips. He is my son. You murdered my son. I called you three times and you went on holiday. So nice for you. The care park at cancer care is always full, no parking spaces as people fight for their right to life, but you know as well as I do that there is only death coming to them and sooner than had they just not parked at cancer care. The first law at cancer care stipulates you, the patient, has the right to inform them of your death. Number One on the board, you have the right to inform cancer care of your death. Encouraging. It's no wonder the first horse in Revelation is white, you in the white coats with the law on your side, killing and uncaring in the name of your bank account. You bought a home on the lives of your patients. You walk in death. Your happiness is built on the demise of others.
Walk in your wall of silence, watch as your bank balance increases knowing all you ever did was murder innocent trusting real people. People with lives, families and every day in every single way, you just don't give a damn. It's doctors like you that shine a light on the true nature of your profession. First do no harm does not apply to the likes of you. Remember I sat across from you, I saw the indifference, you know what I know and I know you have no soul. Dr. Walton along with her crowd at cancer care in Port Elizabeth. Cold, calculating murderous witch, forgiveness is required, but how do you forgive murder. Cold, calculating murder. You knew his body would not handle the three treatments, but you administered them any way and you know exactly what you said to me that validates my writing this. I must walk around carrying my loss, my pain and knowing what you said and did and watched what your team administered knowing all the while millions will follow in his steps because they trust you. Loans are taken, not everyone has medical aid and not having medical aid could very well be a blessing. The graves yard lies full of silent suffering and murder undetected. You killed my son.
now that's a bitter pill of truth to live with!!!
Everything you own, from the home you live in to the food on your table, dear doctors, is purchased in death. The white horse that rides with a crown on his head. Your success is measured in how many bodies you have buried and how many death certificates you signed. There is nothing great about your existence. Your poisons you term medication has not gone unnoticed. The stench of your existence will usher you into a place where you will dwell for the rest of your life. In this world and the next the stench of death envelopes you and now my eyes no longer are blind but see and smell. There is no compassion, no life within you, you took your life and sacrificed everything that was good and pure in the name of greed signed another death certificate.
Will there be forgiveness?
I must forgive you for knowing you are killing my child. Knowing he was scheduled for one treatment, knowing you looked me in the eye and told me chemotherapy is optional just before he was taken for three, that's 3 treatments! Were you there with him after these treatments, you had to know his eyes would close, he would be unable to talk, unable to swallow, unable to breathe. 18 days.
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