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They murdering our grandchildren!

Hey, it's me and I am so tired. We all, the entire world needs a vacation from itself. Talking, talking, and the talking to be heard over the talking, it's become a planet of clucking mad geese....zers! 
It's even become quite fashionable creating new words and new meanings and just slipping casual phrases such as virtual signaling!
Yes, this apparently is a thing in 2023. What a huge disappointment the lot of you all turned out to be. Jesus said, do not be deceived. Things are so bad now, one could translate that statement into 2023 dialect and reply: my birth alone is deception, for the way babies are delivered causes the challenges these very babies will carry for the rest of their lives. Apparently, there is sufficient evidence which clearly reveals cutting the umbilical cord is wrong! Brain trauma, immune system compromised along with a list of other possible side effects from cutting the umbilical cord. 

As the umbilical cord is cut flashes through my mind, a scene from The Golden Compass flashes across my mind. They severing our connection with our own trinity, Mother, spirit, baby. The only reason any of us are here. Is because of the life of that precious baby. Monsters will come hunting for the soul of this child. They come dressed as doctors, nurses, school teachers, sports instructors, pastors. Hunting the light that lives within all of us but glows especially bright from birth until the age of 7. 

Our Father did not intend for mankind to breed as animals. No, for humanity, He wanted to do things differently. He wanted to be part of this birthing process, he wanted Adam and Eve to know their children, to be bound to them by a bond that nothing could sever. This is a secret bond which no one truly understands, nor will you, the darkness comprehended it not. 

Humanity are not cattle. Not sheep. Humanity is uniquely molded to suit each and every individual. God has a unique DNA code for all of us. There is no junk DNA. God lives there, in what our esteemed scientists call junk DNA. SShhh......don't tell anyone. The Kingdom of God does live within us, how do you think copycat, thief, coward, wizard of oz, aka the light bringer would get the idea to micro chip us? We already have a home. We already have a plan for our lives. 

Only the coward has a kingdom too and souls are the currency. That's what they feed on, that's what we rent out for use as we sing their songs, watch their movies and then bring them back to life. It's the mirror effect, whatever we see on the screen, read in a book, or listen to will be created, it's called manifesting. 
Elvis Presley believed in reading comic books, he had a superhero and everything that happened to the superhero, strangely would happen in Elvis life. So, he became addicted to these comic books. He saw the manifesting, witnessed it first hand. The mirror effect. 

Pop corn and a good movie right? Wrong! Pop Corn and the horror story that's about to become your life created by you as you sit and watch and pour your attention, emotion, thoughts into what plays out before your eyes. In reality, we screaming, but it was right there, we paid hard earned money to watch these movies, sometimes over and over again. I can resight the script to Pretty Woman. Jeffrey Epstein created many pretty woman, they all knew what they were doing and drugged up and too young to know better, became enslaved in situations that are life threatening. The only good witness is a dead one. 

Our time here in this world as it once was is nearly over. This world is dying, her waters poisoned, her food poisoned, her air toxic, she is slowly loosing her will to live. Lockdowns enforced by using weather control.  Stop aborting your babies please. I just found out that 4 of my grandchildren aborted. 4 grandchildren. 4 Christmas gifts, 4 lives to sustain love and cherish. Killed, because society made it all so acceptable. 

Thou Shall Not Kill! 

My beautiful sweet caring brave daughter is now a murderer and this is not how she was raised, she made decisions because it's perfectly acceptable to just arrange an abortion. This is what all you clever educated mass murderers have done, turned innocent beautiful women into killers and then they praised them for it. Their body, their choice. Lies and deception stole those lives. My daughter will never know the joy of holding her babies. My only comfort is that the deceiver will be delt with by God, Our Father. Life has rights. Basic human rights and you know why we have those rights, they are God given rights! God given rights that no man can separate us from our Father in Heaven. 
The the W.H.O. or the W.E.F. Billy Goats event 201 William Henry Gates 201...event 201, killing millions of unborn and born babies. 

You made it okay, perfectly acceptable to just end a life, My grandchildren. Mine and so many millions more. May Divine Justice find you and I ask, as you asked to torment and hurt me, that Our Father in Heaven remember every scream from every tortured, killed, sacrificed child, every body part crushed and broken, hurt and wounded. You, the Deceiver turned everything upside down, and you created confusion and caused hatred. Your kingdom is destruction and fear a weapon you use. God is wiser and you will tremble at the revelation in store for you. 

To God be the glory for always and forever more. All my days I will sing Your Praise. Thank you Jesus. 



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