I've got one that can see! They Live. Oh yes, they do and they live among us. So how do we see them? And who are they? Well they identify themselves. They cannot help it. It's in their language and barely disguised loathing of the human race. So, now we know they are not, NOT, human. Their language is simple.
1) The Earth is overpopulated. Truly? So, anyone who will spew this garbage clearly was involved in the process of creating the Earth because all human life share the same properties and values and nature will always balance out the population, this is the law of the jungle. The strong live, you have to be strong in body, mind and soul to walk this Earth. Taking into consideration the death rate from "natural disasters", new disease and virus produced by sinister minds that claim to be human, ask yourself what would motivate a mind to destroy it's very own race. Are Human Beings not created with a will to live and this will to live makes suicide unlikely. The Will to Live. Compassion, caring, preserving each other, reaching out to save each other, these are all basic programs' if you like of the human experience. Nature will simply not allow any species to harm or kill their young. Look how far we have fallen?
William Henry Gates cannot claim to be human. He is impersonating a human being and using his wealth to commit mass murder in the name of what? Elon Musk. A man named after the scent derived from the testicles of a deer. How do they extract this scent? By dipping the testicles in very hot oil, so yes, Elon Musk will work well under pressure, it's in their name. Not one true Human will seek to destroy another, always there has been a need to rule and govern, this is natures way of controlling our population, wars have been fought, wars with arrows and bows and not machines. Sticks and stones break bones, these are the weapons we know and will resort too. Thousands of years we have lived and died, suffered, but never have we set out to exterminate ourselves, so what has changed?
The one eye God of Technology is here and exterminating, experimenting and turning the human race against itself is just infection and contamination of technology. There is an intelligence that is invading us and we are purchasing our own destruction. Cell is a prison. Is a cell not where we are kept against our will. Cell phone. Laptop. It's on our lap, in our face and controls our attention. Television. Tell Lie Vision. What you are seeing is a lie to control your emotions and control your vision and bring their kingdom into our reality. What you see, you create, only you don't believe this, yet, you doing it all the time. Children re-enact as do adults. This is not a theory, this is our lives. This is what is happening to you and me. Money is not evil, it's what THEY do and how they use money as a weapon against us and now they going to assume full control and we will surrender it or will we? As above so below works for God's Kingdom too! This invasion is well thought out, transgender, racism, anti-vaccines, Black Lives Matter, abortion, climate change! Of course, if you do not come from this Earth why should you value anything we have here? Who designed all the pollution? Brainwashed and controlled, sick and mentally exhausted. They are among us, but we see them and they are the walking dead. They cannot create, they can only consume and destroy. Locusts. You know the spirit of destruction, you can smell it and you see it all around you. FLIP THE SCRIPT! They have spent trillions and are confident they are herding us, but the Good Shepherd knows His sheep and we know His voice. Hold to justice. Hold to love. Do you know who you are and where you are going? Because they are wonderers and have come seeking destruction, feed on lust, lurk in the dark and screams of pain and torture is all they desire, still think they so awesome? Still long to be the Meghan Markle's, the Jeff Bezos? You are perfectly created for love, care and kindness and we do not concede, we do not surrender, we do not kneel or bow, but only to the One True God, Our Father, who art in Heaven. Our true home. Lies and lies and our minds corrupted by their carefully crafted and planned scenarios targeted to herd us. They use us shamelessly. We give our energy, pure and priceless to create their plans and usher in their kingdom as we slowly die and become separated from the Living Power of God and life dies within us, so we will shiver up and die. Look around you. Celine Dion knew life, knew love, but choose to invoke death on babies and children and now? Her bodies is withering away as is many, many of millions of us because we turn away from life and embrace death. Death equals death. They chant this in their ceremonies. Now if we turn now around we get, WON! How to win? Don't surrender your power, serve the God of love and Life and walk in the light of His love. Love is Life and Life is found only in Jesus. They poison our air, poison our water, poison our food, poison us with medication, poison our mind and thought process and use the media to herd us.
In the world, but not of the world.
They here and you know it, we all know it!
Come on man!
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