It's the hypocrisy that hits you in the face and the world is struggling to process this shift in consciousness. The programing will fail, it takes patience to program a society. George Walker Bush came so close, but there will be no new world order, you rushed and now you are about to crash. There are too many fifty year olds and plus that are alive and remember the rhythm of the land, the sound of nature, the cry for freedom bursts from within us. The plan was to scare all of us into taking the gift from the gates, but god still speaks to us. Our communication is stronger than ever. We remember a time when we drank water from a tap, played in the street with our friends that did not live in a world created by electricity. Virtual reality. Virtual friends. Virtual signalling. It's enough to make us throw up. We know about leaving our homes and walking the streets safe and secure and we remember leaving our homes and not caring if we missed a call. In making our l...