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Showing posts from July, 2023


It's the hypocrisy that hits you in the face and the world is struggling to process this shift in consciousness. The programing will fail, it takes patience to program a society.  George Walker Bush came so close, but there will be no new world order, you rushed and now you are about to crash. There are too many fifty year olds and plus that are alive and remember the rhythm of the land, the sound of nature, the cry for freedom bursts from within us. The plan was to scare all of us into taking the gift from the gates, but god still speaks to us. Our communication is stronger than ever.  We remember a time when we drank water from a tap, played in the street with our friends that did not live in a world created by electricity. Virtual reality. Virtual friends. Virtual signalling. It's enough to make us throw up.  We know about leaving our homes and walking the streets safe and secure and we remember leaving our homes and not caring if we missed a call. In making our l...

2 minutes of Hate destroyed by a moment of silence.

1984 George Orwell 2 minutes of Hate. You not obliged to participate, but it's impossible not too! This is the purpose for the life of Jesus Christ this is why God had to send His son, to master His basic instincts and to teach us and prove that it can be done. The fruit of our spirits is not wealth or friends or success, the fruit of our Spirit is how we react to everything shovelled at us. Be still and know that I am God. We have to teach ourselves to be calm, to remain calm and to breathe, no matter what comes our way, remain calm and breathe. Tolerance Awareness Love Kindness Be gentle with yourself and with us, beatitudes, this is an endurance race and we have everything we need to overcome our enemy. Do not respond. No matter how provoked or how much the person glaring at you is pushing you into a corner, walk away. The poor will inherit this Earth as they very well should. It's only in poverty that we can grasp we do not need...

Hold to Truth

  I have completely lost direction!  Someone has stolen my compass,  Taken my inspiration trodden on my dreams  and filled me with a sense of loss.... Drifting with no wind and no direction I am neither North or South East or West I am treading water and waiting to exhale There's a numbness in my heart and a whisper somewhere deep inside me There is hope crying out for a response But I am lost with no direction  It all became too much The straw that broke this camel's back The cry of the heart a scream in my brain limbs ache, body complains, mind hurts. soul is silent quietly the night becomes the day and though there is light there is only darkness though the sun shines, the light recedes, everything is reeling what happened to my sense of feeling where did all my tears go when did this become the land of sorrow World Economic Forum, the owner of all us slaves make new laws and decrees that will drive us insane The United Nations pretty words united by wha...

Heaven's Gems

NIV  22  Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.   23  After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,   24  and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 25  Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.   26  When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27  But Jesus immediately said to them:  “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 28  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29  “Come,”  he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.   30  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink,...

The Cry of My Heart

Jesus!  I don't want anyone but YOU! I don't want this world we living in Jesus! All I need you Hide me, hold me, never let me go I have nowhere else to go  I choose you!  Jesus! Please carry me through this war They killing Your children, torchering and there is pain Jesus! I believe Heaven can feel this suffering too... I am going to hold on tight Cause I can feel Your might Pushing on through, Your love is pouring through Only You can make us new! Jesus! My heart feels dark and cold there's sorrow weighing down my soul My heart aches,  what straw will break this camel's back I don't want to see any more Where is the love that flows in me Where is the peace my soul can feel Where is the joy that breaks through the tears Jesus! I find this in You!  If my heart is dark, bring it to light If there is anger, wash me in peace Align me with You, let your Spirit come through I can't function on my own You are my deliverance, my strength, my foundation I just wan...