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It's the hypocrisy that hits you in the face and the world is struggling to process this shift in consciousness. The programing will fail, it takes patience to program a society.  George Walker Bush came so close, but there will be no new world order, you rushed and now you are about to crash. There are too many fifty year olds and plus that are alive and remember the rhythm of the land, the sound of nature, the cry for freedom bursts from within us. The plan was to scare all of us into taking the gift from the gates, but god still speaks to us. Our communication is stronger than ever. 

We remember a time when we drank water from a tap, played in the street with our friends that did not live in a world created by electricity. Virtual reality. Virtual friends. Virtual signalling. It's enough to make us throw up.  We know about leaving our homes and walking the streets safe and secure and we remember leaving our homes and not caring if we missed a call. In making our lives all about people, you killed our basic need for company. Very clever strategy. Decades were spent instilling desires for wealth, fame and fortune. The world debt is based on the corruption of mankind as you plotted and schemed to distance us from God and turn on each other, we became the virus. The T Virus. Technology functioning under the umbrella corporation of a philanthropist. The most giving man on Earth, William Henry Gates, Event 201 in the flesh; bringing death and despair to a doorstep near you. They cultivated the American dream and now they want to dismantle everything carefully cultivated in years...not months. It cannot work. The people will not be able to sustain their mind control and they will awaken and you will be exposed for the traitors of humanity that you have participated in one way or another. Thirty year olds will break through and there will be teenagers and younger ushering in the torch of light, truth and showing us the way.  The will of God will be done on this Earth as it is in Heaven and no weapons or plans formed against the wishes of the Creator will or can ever succeed. A house divided cannot stand and right now your house is filled with whores, crack addicts and twisted broken minds and you need to feed off fresh souls. So you plotting to steal the children of God. You all about anger and destruction. Our Father in Heaven is all about quiet, harmony and peace. 

Sing! Sing loud and be joyful, make a joyful noise.

Love! Kindness, tolerance, endurance, gentleness, joy, happiness, peace are all aspects of love. 

Remember who you are and remember you are a nobody just trying to tell everybody about somebody who saved our souls. There is great power in being a nobody. 

There is no understanding, comprehending evil.  There is no logic, no reason, no thought, no care or consideration, nothing human is taking place inside our rulers.  They are not human. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, is it a puppy?  If human bodies become diamonds and we mining for diamonds; surely, we are trading in human remains? Technically?  The Earth is suffering ChemTrail attacks. Poisoned air, poisoned water, chemicals in our water, insect based food, Artificial Intelligence taking our jobs, a broken corrupt world system that has no hopes of ever uniting. It was the taking of the drugs that was your undoing, you just couldn't resist the poisoned fruit and you ate the poisoned apple you had prepared for all of us. Your minds are broken as your actions so clearly depict. Your reasoning is nonsensical. Your corruption stinks worse than the garbage you call progress. Congratulations on becoming the vilest beings ever to hide behind the title human. There is nothing human about anyone who advocates being woke. Now you all just dumping lie after lie after lie and distraction after distraction. Everybody knows and now none of us are the jokers, the comedians have run out of jokes, the songs we sing reflect the growing disdain felt all across the world. These songs are becoming anthems. Thank you all keep writing! Power to the pen and paper! They gave us spells and we can share the love of Heaven and spread the hope these songs bring. Don't be shy, sing out loud sing out strong make it special to last your whole life long, don't worry if it's not good enough for anybody else to hear, just sing, sing a song.  Just remember everybody knows and after killing everybody will your AI worship you? 

Just the mere fact that cold blooded murder is being committed before our very eyes and we watch silenced as lie after lie is forced on a world that has eyes and can see, words silenced, but you cannot control thoughts. Granted, no one will question the determination in your efforts to separate us from the love of God, but there comes a point where we become unreachable, untouchable, protected and you know this all too well. 

Keep our eyes focused on Jesus, look full in His wonder and grace and the things of the Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his Glory and Grace. 

Master anger, temper and control thoughts. Pay attention to thoughts. The Kingdom of God lives within. When we buy a new home we renovate, so understand we are work in progress, under construction, Jesus is at work within us. 

Jesus has a unique approach for all of us, He knows us, He knows our pain and suffering. Feed each other, take care of each other, look out for one another. 




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