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The Trojan Horse. 

Smart, very smart, but ah you have stepped out of the shadows and now we see you. 


Is not Israel. Nothing to do with the Bible, not even close. They have been mocking you for years, this IS RA EL is the return of ISIS and RA and becoming Gods. Moses taught the Jewish nation the secrets of the Egyptians and they traded with the Romans in order to murder Jesus Christ the son Of God Our Father who redeemed us, purchased us back from slavery and set us free by the blood of Jesus Christ that had to be freely given, just as we must face our cup of suffering as Jesus faced His cup and prayed asking Father, if possible, but Your will be done. Our lives just could be that cup and as you sitting here reading this. 

Freely given. Whatever choice you make, it must be of free will. A new world order is being birthed, the rise of ISIS and RA are about to take place before our very eyes. Be blessed. Love the Lord (that's Jesus Christ) with all Your heart and soul. The true nation of God will arise. Lay down your life for Jesus, lay down your life because it's not worth living on our knees, we were born to stand up straight. In Jesus there is peace, love and victory and no death only life. Trust Him. 

This is what was shown to us at the Commonwealth games in Birmingham UK. They worship the bull, the golden calf, so in the commonwealth a bull is pulled into the middle and Stella comes from the East and rides the bull and calms the bull with light. Lightbringers. Nothing about IS RA EL has anything to do with Abraham or the children of God or Jews, these are people worshipping their own agenda and the angels, those kept in prison in Israel will be sacrificed to the Kabbal who worships the bull. Steal, kill and destroy is moving across the middle East and bares false witness against their neighbor. The Triangle is a symbol of power but we have a triangle in an upside down triangle a pentagram and there are children of God kissing the serpents symbol. Deceived with eyes wide shut and still you will cry to the God of Israel who lives within you and does not condone murder. Thou Shall not kill. This is all blasphemy against the Lord of Creation, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. 


This is why Jesus used the term vipers! He saw the betrayal, he saw how you would sell out the black magic taught to the Jewish nation by Moses who grew up as an Egyptian. Moses was part Egyptian part Hebrew. This is the link that ties the middle east together as snakes eat snakes and devour each other, we are called out of this by Jesus Christ who was born into the viper system and conquered them. No Body. No death. No death. No power over humanity. 


Isis RA God that are coming into being, the ancient ones rising up to take their place over us and rule in death and destruction and you love your life so much that you will betray Jesus and fold. Are you prepared to lay down your life for the truth. Thou shall not kill so if IS RA EL chooses to behead anyone, they are betraying their own cover story and you will see that they are not who they claim to be, they are the fallen angels, the chosen ones of Lucifer and you are being deceived. 

This is why they introduced the gender confusion

The reason Jesus Christ is blasphemed in movies

This is where the pit of child trafficking goes

This is where it is condoned to have sex with a three year old her virginity will grow back the Torah claims. This is why they refuse to go to war, but send our children instead. 

We are the goyim 

If they had nothing to hide why silence us, why silence David Icke, what are you afraid of, The Truth know you and sees you and will spit you out. 



Middle East 

Israel and the sky no one could penetrate unless....the birth of Isis and Ra and their union is taking place. 

Could this be the dome over IS RA EL the safest air space. 

Brace yourself Palestine the pit is opening and from out it comes death and destruction and they doing this all under the cover of God. 



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