Great men have come and great men have been slaughtered. Thoughts gave birth to ideas that molded, shaped and changed this world. Great generations of civilizations have come and gone. Our footsteps are lost in the dirt along with theirs. What happened to great men? They gone. Silenced. In Prison. Murdered. Cowards rule this world and they killing. They don't care about your starvation. They don't care about your tears. They don't care about pain and suffering and they don't want you to recover, bombing the hospital was a foregone conclusion, if you know these cold blooded killers you will know that your life any life is worthless to them. It's the hunt. The taste of fear, the smell of blood and the sound of wailing that turns them on. You dealing with a whole world run by severely mental ill non human beings. They want to hurt you and they don't care if you are black or white or Muslim or Jew they want your pain and your suffering. They crave it so badly they can barely contain themselves. They hunting you, herding you and then killing you and you act surprised. Please. Have you no eyes to see what is transpiring around you? No one is coming to save you. No one cares. They want death and destruction and while you are safe and locked away in your pretty little house don't think they won't come for you. This is the purge. This is world war three and you all so blind you can't grasp anything. You think your debates will save lives? Killing will save lives? War brings war and the stench of death will haunt you forever.
It is strictly forbidden to do the things that are being done. The anger you feel will destroy you.
The pain you feel will never comfort you but will bring you death if you give way to violence.
Victory will never be theirs for they have taken the blood of innocents, they murdered shamelessly all around the world they have murdered. They are death and destruction and you summoned them into this world, so be happy. Do not cry, do not moan, you laughed, mocked Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you summoned death and destruction. Now it is here and you are crying. I only want to see you dancing in the purple rain, purple reign purple reign. It is here.
Manifesting itself before you. You wanted this. You did rituals, you invested in Cern opening the gates of Hell and now you don't want the demons to play with you? The songs you sang, the movies you watched, the books you read, the bullshit you believed and now your tears are flowing and God is watching.
Bow to this god of destruction, bow to his demons and remember you wanted this. You created this. This is your world now. Your new world order and the pain and suffering is the pleasure that feeds the god you all summoned. It will not be long now. Your madness is quite evident and your purpose is clear. Destruction faces all of us. Don't say a prayer for me now save it till the morning after this is planet Earth and tonight we united in an ordinary world. Duran Duran sung those songs just for you at the commonwealth games in Birmingham.
Welcome to hell.
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