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The Truth will Find The Way and shine The Light in the darkness


For you are either for me or against me.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

Luke 11:23 NIV

So you work and you earn and come December gifts are bought with your hard earned cash and you tell your precious little one who trusts you that Santa or Father Christmas is responsible for what you earned and bought. Every year we violate the trust of those that trust completely and innocently and we do it willingly and eagerly. Then you take your precious child; the very same child that you watch over and make sure strangers have no interaction with them and put them on the lap of a complete stranger because it's Santa. 

How many missing children sat on the lap of Santa's? The perfect pedophile in plain sight and you all do this. Ho HO HO. 

If I was a cop and I had a bunch of missing children can you track them back to public places where perhaps they were placed on the lap of a pedophile. Our eyes have been wide shut, but it's time to open your eyes and see that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. This is the day the world assigned Him a birth date and then they steal what belongs to Him and fill our minds with stories of a man in red that comes with gifts and he is making his list, he is checking it twice, he wants to find out who is naughty and nice, yes, santa (rearrange those letters perhaps satan, na, could never be right? The darkness comprehend it not. 

This is the birthday of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I would argue that Jesus was actually born September 11, but as they are willing to concede that Jesus Christ was born and this is the day we are allowed to celebrate His birthday, no one said we couldn't give them our Christ and along comes St Nic, Father Christmas and the glory is stolen because the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. They stole the love that belongs to Christmas. They taught us to lie to our babies and violate trust we share with our children and lies and deceit is born between parents and child. 

Now they have us turned in the Christmas tree upside down. Are we not told that good will become evil and evil will become good. 

Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born, He had to be born because they teach that they killed Him and our precious Jesus is in hell boiling in a pot of excrement.  The Talmud teaches about Jesus.  They teach He is a liar, His mother was a prostitute and His father a roman soldier. 

See to it that you not be deceived. 

You kissing a flag, a man made flag. 

You defending a wicked murdering nation.

You deceiving your children, we all are and we doing it without understanding what we are doing. 

Thou shall have no God but me. First commandment. Jesus said love the Lord Your God with all your heart, your mind and your soul. Love each other. 

You have the option of telling your child the truth.

Mommy and daddy worked hard this year and we missed your recitals. But we do love you and you are very precious to us. The child in turn must choose one of its most precious toys and wrap it and give the toy to the parents acknowledging I have not been good all the time and i did make you angry, but I love you mommy and daddy. 

We need to teach love and appreciation, our children deserve the truth. We work hard and nothing comes for free and there is no Father Christmas.

There is only Jesus Christ of  Nazareth. 

Have a blessed Christmas and know YOU ARE LOVED. 

You Are the gift. 

Everyone has a choice, every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

This Christmas may Jesus be your gift and may His love flow through you and His joy and peace fill your home. 


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