Verbal Abuse, baiting, gaslighting......
Doctor dolittle!
Seriously? You shine in the glow of the beauty beside you.
She gives you strength, respect and open admiration. She gave you her heart, her body, but no one can have her soul or her mind for it belongs to a power you cannot control. She is in a place where love is dealing with the situation and the weight of the actions wears heavily on the body, mind and soul for it is not natural actions the body, mind and soul know to be true. This is a foreign power and it grows within this world. You were unworthy to kiss the ground she walks on for her intentions are pure and her purpose is true and she believes in second chances and all this time she has heard the cruel words spoken, the dismissive looks. She defended when she had no need to ever comment on any given situation.
Whatever has taken place within this family the energy is intense and there is an overwhelming feeling of being lost. Pressure pushing down, under pressure, hopeless and desperate to find a way.
She was sure of her position, confident in herself, gathering momentum and then the attack. The surprise attack, it was unexpected. Fury. Anger. Confusion. Pain. Body pain. She hears and feels and knows and cannot respond. Any response could be fatal. Clarity of mind body and soul is required here.
Take your time! Take all the time you need. Be still and know that I am God. You don't have to solve every situation. You just need to channel the love and wisdom The Holy Spirit is going to pour out over you and into you. because you have loved, so shall you be loved. Because you believe in giving, so shall it be given. Measure for measure. Perfect sweet healing love will flood your body, mind and Soul and set you free liberating you from all abuse, giving you courage to endure and to hold on. The darkness suppressing you will begin to fade. Trust your instincts, stand your ground and feel the strength return to your body. Nothing is over, this is just the beginning. God knows how to get our attention and he knows how to shake us and draw us unto Him. Trust your instincts and relax in the protection which is Heaven sent. You are love and you are loved and you love deeply. Hold on daughter, sister, mother and wife. Hold on to love and surround yourself with your children they have healing powers.
The darkness can extinguish the light only if the light is removed from its source, return to source.
You are not the words spoken over your life. You will rise and shine and speak greater words and build lives and restore hope. God is watching over you. You are blessed.
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