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What happened to the Princess of Wales?


Princess Catherine of Wales

I didn't mean to fall in love with you

I didn't even try

You were always there in the background

You're life splashed across the Youtube and papers

I watched as in the beginning you were torn apart

Maid to curtsy to all the royals

Though your station and position called for the reverse

Humility, honor and integrity you displayed

For all the world to see

Regal in your splendour '

You walked triumphantly

You followed protocol 

Always the perfect wife

You embraced motherhood with joy 

You built a garden and left us breathless

You shone so very brightly 

You took my breath away

I missed the christmas concert 

Where your piano you did play

You showed the world hidden talent

You showed us what might have been

You grew in stature and you grew in grace

Whatever was taking place

It never showed on your face

Shamed as a racist 

branded without one shred of proof

You kept your head held high 

You never stumbled never faltered

We watched you all on this Christmas day

Never knowing it would be the last time 2023

The world would watch this happy family 

And now your gone 

May 2024 there's still no sign 

No indication that you are here

Cryptic headlines are all we have 

Even Prince Harry was forbidden from seeing you

I don't know where you are '

I know you are a mother 

I know you love your children 

Something terrible has taken place 

Something dark and forbidden hides 

Two horses galloping down the street 

My heart is heavy and concerned 

Where did you go our beautiful Princess??? 


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