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Happy Birthday to Me!


This is my family 

This is what they do 

They call me when they need me 

But won't listen to a word I say 

They want the money, they want the luxury

But they won't give me ten minutes of their time

They pretend they love me 

So sweet, so kind, they pretend all the time

Do you imagine I am blind to your actions

Do you think that I don't hear the sigh  as 

You answer the phone 

Do you think that I am oblivious to your impatience

I have two sons

The sweetest one......gone! 

He bought me flowers on any day 

Especially on Mother's day

Now the two remaining 

Call me on no specific day what is that?

Money we could spend on us 

Surely you know this to be true

Did you think we here to love you?

Our mother you may be 

That's just because we need money  

But I am stronger than you think 

My mind recalls each and every action 

My heart is branded bruised and now cold

There is no more shivers

No more fears

There is knowing and seeing and hearing 

Endurance this is what this is now 

Numbness and nothingness 

Just a void of where love once lived 

You are free now 

Free to move on and free to live 

But know you live without me 

No more money, no more hope

I have learned money does not buy love 

Be on your way

Please go away

Leave me the hell alone 

I am not broken I have healed 

I have grown

Once I was disillusioned

But my love for you paid the price 

Now I see it all so clearly 

You money thirsty fuckery 

I bid you all a good day 

Please stay the hell away! 

Remember the day I asked you to pour me a drink

I am not here to serve you, you said, think! 

Remember when I wanted to spend your birthday with you

But you choose to spend your birthday with friends

Hope those friends, can help you out 

All the things I wanted to give 

You took it all so willingly 

Thinking me a fool 

It's all good darlings, so good for me 

So good for you all, so happy ever after 

Sorry insufficient funds! 


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