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Showing posts from April, 2020

An Inside Joke

FNB (First National Bank) in South Africa decided to embark on a "don't be a Steve" 2014. In a Facebook post FNB defended themselves saying that this was an Inside Joke and not intended to offend the public. Only the infamous genius whom dreamt up this concept could offer a defense, the concept is and will always be offensive, degrading and unprofessional. The public paid the price of this Inside Joke.    Across the United Kingdom people gather outside their homes clapping and beating pots in support of the NHS (National Health Service) They are unaware of the fact that they too are part of An Inside Joke. a form of popular protest! And you thought you were beating those pots and lids and clapping in support for the nurses and doctors who are forced into compliance with the greatest show on Earth. Don't despair the entire world fell for this one: Washing our hands with soap and water! Washing  your  hands with soap...

Brace Yourself.

Truth. What is truth? Some say truth is subjective. There's my truth, your truth and The Truth. There is no your truth or my truth, those are pretty lies we tell ourselves to pretend and hold onto the charade, hiding our imperfections from ourselves. There is only The Truth and it hurts like hell, provokes outrage, anger and indignation. Yet The Truth stands. Like a shining sword of justice and righteousness, The Truth stands. We will hurt, fight, deny, argue, but finally we will admit, relent and repent and learn to breath when we are accused. We have to grow up now. We are going to be accused of things and circumstances and lies will be told, stories fabricated and "truths" proved beyond  shadow of a doubt and yet we shall be innocent. Screaming, shouting and fighting isn't going to win us any ground, we have to learn to brace ourselves and handle conflict real soon. Mediation clearing the mind, centering, focusing on calmness, breathing, absorbing the onslaught of...

Contradiction, Confusion and Cowardice!

It's a virus, a deadly virus that captured worldwide constitutions, claimed more rights than any civilian and turned forces paid by taxpayers against the very people paying for their protection. This is a time of the greatest injustice and the silence of humanity. We all ask ourselves is it a mask or muzzle and we know it's a muzzle. Brainwashing. Being told to shut up and do as we are told. We have lost everything and now they want our souls. New Yorkers will witness a protest such as never been seen before as people rise up in solidarity against eviction. It seems it is perfectly ethical to shutdown the economy because of a virus and then take away a home, a haven from life's storms due to rent that went unpaid due to a lockdown no one wanted. We are a warring world. We do not hide from the unseen enemy, we are not afraid by nature, we live and we die so others might live. This cowardice is dispicable and it is now unquestionable that the world is suffering from extreme ...

Dear Bill Gates.......I won't be taking that Vaccine!

Dear Bill Gates, It was the 47 500 children you paralysed in India with your polio drops. Right there and then, I knew you were trouble, but I was clueless.  See, this happens when a computer geek who fails to solve the virus in the technology he holds such claim to fame. Congratulations, you scammed us beautifully with Microsoft. A never ending need to purchase Microsoft products. You created the virus or was that a conspiracy theory, which caused all of us to purchase microsoft products. I wonder, do you create virus's and then wait 18 months to develop a vaccine when in fact you already have the vaccine? I am curious to wonder by what stretch of the imagination you feel qualified to address yourself as an expert in healthcare? Money opens many doors for many folks, some call themselves philanthropist, while others are quite content being known as sharks. You are the most awful liar and really you should never speak in public, give interviews or public speaking. Your body l...