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Brace Yourself.

Truth. What is truth? Some say truth is subjective. There's my truth, your truth and The Truth. There is no your truth or my truth, those are pretty lies we tell ourselves to pretend and hold onto the charade, hiding our imperfections from ourselves. There is only The Truth and it hurts like hell, provokes outrage, anger and indignation. Yet The Truth stands. Like a shining sword of justice and righteousness, The Truth stands. We will hurt, fight, deny, argue, but finally we will admit, relent and repent and learn to breath when we are accused. We have to grow up now. We are going to be accused of things and circumstances and lies will be told, stories fabricated and "truths" proved beyond  shadow of a doubt and yet we shall be innocent. Screaming, shouting and fighting isn't going to win us any ground, we have to learn to brace ourselves and handle conflict real soon. Mediation clearing the mind, centering, focusing on calmness, breathing, absorbing the onslaught of self righteous indignation and remaining calm.  We are chimed oh no weapon formed against us shall prosper, but when surrounded and when confronted, will we stand? Will we say no weapon formed against us shall prosper? 


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