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Dear Prince Harry

After reading SPARE, I have to shake my head in utter disappointment with those that so callously attacked this book. 

You all have no shame. The way you all carried on as though Prince Harry is a drug addict and talking about his todger and how he lost his virginity. My God, the way you pulled this book apart and the way you poured out your contempt. For what exactly? How much were you all paid to say and write the disgusting way in which you attacked this book. Did you think we would not buy this book and read it and assess it for ourselves? 

The loss of Prince Harry's virginity was one sentence! He detailed the problems he was having with his male parts and how he had to find a doctor.  He never splurged, he gave us his life and the firm made sure to humiliate and attack him on every possible level. The courage he continues to display as he lives his life despite these attacks, despite what has taken place is worthy of admiration. 

There are deep rooted insecurities within this man that have been exploited by those he loved and cherished. It would be wise to invite the entire Markle family over to your home and get to know the people who are longing to know you. In fact, you should question why you are being prevented from meeting them. You are clearly a man of the people and you clearly are compassionate and caring, and the time has come to remove the blindfolds and embrace the part of your family left out in the cold. 

You need to sit down and have a beer with Thomas Markle, Meghan's dad and you need to hear his stories of your wife. It's not all bad and Meghan you have nothing to be ashamed of, nor do you have have anything to hide. There is nothing that can be said that the press have already not made a meal out of and it would shut them up for good if you embraced the Markle's. This is your winning strategy. These are everyday people that your mom, Lady Diana would have encouraged you to meet and get to know. If there is one redeeming quality that no one can erase about you is your ability to get along with people from all walks of life. There isn't a snobbish bone in your body. And so you should question, why has this not taken place? Time is running out and after a heart attack and a stroke, Thomas Markle would love to meet you and see his daughter again. There truly is nothing holding either of you back. 

How Archie and Lilabet came to be in this world is precisely none of anyone's business. Celebrities and commoners adopt, endure IVF treatments and have surrogates all the time. There was no need to fabricate pregnancies and no need for further deceit. They are your children and whatever the world may think, they are loved and they are your children. Tyler Perry is a hero. All and anyone who assisted you in escaping the confines of the firm are heroes. But Harry there are questions you ask yourself and you need to trust your intuition. 

If anyone cannot afford SPARE look for it in your local library, but whatever you do, make the effort to read this book and then just as I sobbed, you will see the lies of the critics exposed for what they are, lies! 

From the beginning Camilla never liked either William or Harry. she plotted against him as a child and has continued her vile and ruthless attack. There are Youtubers that are paid by the firm to dish out the dirt and keep the hatred flowing. Only now Princess Catherine is missing for over 100 days and Harry whatever you do, don't get involved in this. Do not return to England and stay the hell away from Nigeria. Your Polo documentary with Netflix will be a huge success as many of us do not know the game, nor do we know the care and love that goes into taking care of the horses before and after the game. 

 You don't need anyone Harry, everything you have to succeed lies within you, you are a success, you an awesome husband, father and friend. You owe no one an explanation. Your book stands as a testimony to your life experiences and I thank you for sharing your life with us. 

It's not important what people think, it's important that you continue on your journey with courage, conviction and remember that you are the captain of your soul. 

Much love and with deep appreciation. 



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