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Could Elon Musk be on a mission from Vishnu?

 Who in the sam hell's name is Vishnu?

Vishnu is the god of Preservation, the great maintainer who often appears in various incarnations (avatara) to provide salvation for humanity. Some of his best-known avatars, who are tremendously popular and beloved throughout Hindu India, are the gods Krishna and Rama.

Who is God Vishnu or Allah?

actually lord Vishnu and Allah are same… but the name only are different… we such as( Muslims, Hindu, Singh, Kristian) and other religions were prayed the same god with their name are given in Bhagavad-Gita, Al-Quran, and Bible and other religions books.
What are the powers of Vishnu?
Powers and abilities

As the preserver, Vishnu can control anything and everything. The power to protect everything from anything is the reason he is also called the supreme protector of his devotees. Absolute destruction: In the Vishnu Purana, Vishnu is also described as the creator, destroyer, preserver.
Did Vishnu ever eat meat?
In Hindu Puranas, Vishnu is a strict vegetarian god, but Shiva eats whatever he is given and the Goddess loves blood. Again this is not a strict rule. For when Vishnu descends as Ram, he hunts deer for food (an idea that many vegetarian Hindus reject rather violently).
Who did god curse first?
The curse of God first appears in Genesis 2:15–17, where our Creator promises our first parents that disobedience to His command will result in their deaths. This curse was actualized in the fall — Adam and Eve were cast out of abundant life in Eden when they followed the serpent and not the revealed will of God

Who is the God of all the universe?

Vishnu is the primary creator. According to Vaishnava belief Vishnu creates the basic universal shell and provides all the raw materials and also places the living entities within the material world, fulfilling their own independent will.
What does El mean spiritually?
Among ancient Israel's neighbors, people referred to the most powerful god as "El," which is not actually a name, but an ancient Semitic title, “god.” It could refer to many gods, but the chief deity of all the other gods was simply titled “El,” meaning “THE god.” In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for God is most ...2017 Mot 26

Watch closely , see I am the good guy, I am the savior of this world, I am super hero. 
He is standing in the light. This is the symbology of the white square floors in Free Masonery. 

Note, I have now turned my back, I once was light, but now I am something upside down, my true nature is revealed.
Go back watch the interview with the Alien in the 1960's.
 The interviewers could not grasp the significance of what they were hearing  The being clearly stated mankind is a study 
of nature vs nurture. Throughout the decades these words will be familiar to all of us. Nature Vs Nurture. 
The Darkness cannot sustain light, for scientifically it will always return to it's true nature. So I note he stands 
he exits the light and in doing so reveals his true colors. Black is black. Back in Black. Ozzie could be brain dead;
give him a microphone and sympathy for the devil pours out. David Icke wore the color tourquoise, he explained it's the 
color that attracts the hightest vibration of love and peace. Notice how this color finds it
s way into every culture one way or another. Embrace this color. 
Embrace your own unique frequency that vibrates just for you (sorry Lionel Ritchie, just such a great song and awesome title)
The Black squares are now explained and I begin to understand why royalty only steps on the black. 
Day time public royal engagments are truly draining and they sparkle in the moonlight. 

Yes, how did I find Vishnu! 
All roads lead to Rome. V in Rome is 5 
All Hollywood numbers in movies start with 555
German product VW
now right of the bat the script is dictating that we are to 
know that EL means God and for years we have been 
told a Messiah is coming to save us from technology, 
which Elon has done. He sat there laughing as he told humanity
AI will obliterate the human race. 
Pontious Pilate. Washing his hands of the matter, he warned us. 
Yet, we choose because of our curious nature. See? nature vs nurture.
This El has had thrown himself quite the party. 
Enter sharades, mask balls attended by invitation only. For one reason only, to 
watch everyone squirm with jealousy, envy and pride. The nature of the beast. 
Many know this as El Ohim.  To toy with a mind that is pure and innocent, 
play with emotions, build you and feed you ideals and then to pull the 
proverbial rug out from under your knees and watch you squirm in fear.
When my body was contorted in fear and paralyzed unable to move for the
grip of fear and horror that washed over me. We live in this perpetual state 
of mental onslaught crafted by the ruler of this Universe. 
When this being appeared before Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in who's name 
demons flee and lords bowdown and serve. This is the authority given to Jesus
Christ of Nazareth in love and respect for overcoming the task Our Father 
Creator of Eden, love and mercy and forgiveness overflows for it was our Father
who banished us to this Universe to dwell here as punishment. 
Never forget the parable of the prodical son. 
Never forget the lyrics: is there a place for a hopeless sinner who having hurt all of 
mankind just to save himself?
Believe me, One Love. One Heart. 
This is knowing and loving and existing within the supreme power of Yeshua.
HYWH is written in our DNA code. The very junk DNA scientists refused to disclose. 
But God Will shall be done. 

Viking Religion and Hinduism: Connection?

Hello everyone. I am a bit new to this subreddit. I have noticed similarities between the Hindu God Indra and the Norse God Odin. I have also heard of between Valhalla and Indrasabha, but I have not heard of the latter term before? Is this where Lord Indra rules like on Mt. Meru? Do you think there are similarities between Hinduism and the Norse Viking faith?

Valhalla and Indrasabha, no, I don't think that's a good comparison. Indrasabha basically means the court or palace of Indra, but you don't go there on the basis of dying in battle.

I know plenty of strong similarities between the Hindu and greek/roman pantheons, but I'm not familiar enough with viking religion to judge how much similarity it has.Thor is actually more akin to Lord Indra. Norse myth is rooted in the same culture as the Vedic myths are, namely the Proto-Indo-European culture. So there are many parallels. For instance Thor slaying Jormundgander and Indra slaying Vritra, both world serpents killed by a thunder weapon. Odin is a much later deity, his origin is not in the proto Indo-European

 culture but in the Germanic culture. However his resemblance to Lord Shiva is stunning. Both wise, both associated with the terrible, both ascetics.

 No doubt there is metaphysical connection between Odin and Lord Shiva, if not historical.

Now that just blew my mind. 


Valkyrie, in Norse mythology, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in Valhalla.

Tom Cruise Valkyrie! 
Valkyrie, in Norse mythology, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in Valhalla.
Valhalla • \val-HAL-uh\ • noun. 1 : the great hall in Norse mythology where the souls of heroes slain in battle are received 2 : a place of honor, glory, or happiness : heaven.
Several historians have insisted that Hitler and his inner circle were influenced by other religions. In a eulogy for a friend, Hitler called on him to enter Valhalla but he later stated that it would be foolish to re-establish the worship of Odin (or Wotan) within Germanic paganism.
Adolf Hitler admired ancient Rome as the "crystallization point of a world empire," a capital with massive public monuments that reflected the supremacy of the State and the political might of the ancient world's "master-race." He also admired the way Mussolini turned the monuments of imperial Rome into validatory ...
Walhalla (1896) by Max Brückner in a scenic backdrop for Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen

In Norse mythologyValhalla (/vælˈhælə/ val-HALUS also /vɑːlˈhɑːlə/ vahl-HAH-lə;[1] Old NorseValhǫll [ˈwɑlhɒlː]lit.'Hall of the Slain')[2] is described as a majestic hall located in Asgard and presided over by the god Odin. There were five possible realms the soul could travel to after death. First was, Fólkvangr which was ruled by the goddess Freyja. Second, was Hel, ruled by Hel, Loki's daughter. The third realm was that of the goddess Rán. The fourth realm was the Burial Mound where the dead could live, and the last realm was Valhalla, ruled by Odin and was called the Hall of Heroes.[3] The masses of those killed in combat (known as the einherjar), along with various legendary Germanic heroes and kings, live in Valhalla until Ragnarök, when they will march out of its many doors to fight in aid of Odin against the jötnar. This eternal battle and life in Valhalla was a reflection of greater Viking ideals, for "what finer way to exist other than fighting, killing, and feasting with your erstwhile enemies, united in the common enterprise of training for the final battle”.[4] Valhalla was idealized in Viking culture and gave the Scandinavians a wide spread cultural belief that there is nothing more glorious than death in battle. The belief in a Viking paradise and eternal life in Valhalla with Odin gave the Vikings a violent edge over the other raiders of their time period.[4]


Valhalla is the destiny. The inspiration for war and the comendations given for the sacrifice of your life. You have to lay down your life. preferably in combat. So Our Father in Heaven, our Paradise, our Eden, sent Yeshua to redeem us because only the life of a King could ransom the world. A life for a life. Death equals death, they chant, because they are enchanted, (Harry Potter was telling you all about the world of Vishnu) You all know Donald Trump is the tip of the spear.We know from his life, from his words, that is a serpent and will bite you if you trust him. He warned, we believed. Because everyone has taken their eyes from Jesus and looked to mankind as in the days of Moses. While Moses was been given the law from God Our Father, imagine. Moses has gone up the mountain, we all watched him leave, took selfies and as soon as he was out of sight, we brought out the wine reserves and we drank and even built ourselves a gold Bull calling on the Egyptian gods, Moses taught the hebrews. This is how Rome defeated Egypt, they had used the Egyptians power against them and it's still among us today. Virus. Think Star Trek. Star 5 points on Zionist flag. Think global domination. Think the wizard of Oz that won best film in the 1930's even placed in the presidential or national library. Why? Again they working on the principle of five. Limited thinking. This is because their human form is dead, it has become a vehicle for Vishna to control. The hive mind. The bees.  There must always be a Queen. Transgender. For this energy shifts constantly. Slithers. Plotting. Cunning. Cold. Back to Star Trek and William Henry Gates EVENT 201 himself had a three hour meeting with the tip of the spear and this goat who walks around carrying a bottle of feaces around with him, just happened to be an avid Star Trek fan. Michael Jackson tried to warn us. Backtrack one of his songs and he says: they think we are vegtables! 

But they have been weighed and measured because true God's, the God's of Valhalla have honor, courage and integrity as much as one can have given the cruelty of war. These little rats that scurry among sleeping humanity, in a drug induced state, replicates and copies and pastes everything without question. There is only cowadice here. Kevin Costner I see you now. You revealed yourself in the song AND THE ANGELS CAME DOWN!

Valkyrie, in Norse mythology, any of a group of maidens who served the god Odin and were sent by him to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in Valhalla.

Walking all alone in the Southern rain
By graveyards and battlefields that blood still stains
Back to a time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
In the forests and the fields so many men were killed
I can hear their cries still echo through these hills
That was a time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
And the angels came down to the fallen men
And they held their hands as they prayed for them
They carried their souls beyond the moon and the sun
All the way to heaven one by one
The angels worked so hard for so many years
To heaven and back again they shed so many tears
They left no one and they placed no blame
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
And the angels came down to the fallen men
And they held their hands as they prayed for them
They carried their souls beyond the moon and the sun
All the way to heaven one by one
Walking all alone in the Southern rain
Never heal them troubles never heal that pain
But that was a time when the angels came
Walking all alone in the Southern rain

No, not at all really. First, Hinduism is not exclusively Indian. It’s not Christian, nor is it even an equivalent version of Christianity. Hinduism and Christianity are fundamentally very different things in many deep and important ways, such that I think to call them both “religions” as if they are two versions of the same sociocultural category actually promotes more misunderstanding than understanding. Hinduism is not a church or an institution. It is not an organized religion with defined membership, central governing authority, or administrative body. Hinduism does not have official dogmas and is not based on beliefs like the Catholic Church, but rather on experience and practice. Hinduism is a vast pluralistic medley, very unlike Catholicism in many ways.

What does the Bible say about masquerades?
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
What is the purpose of a masquerade ball?
Masquerades include lots of music and dancing. They are used for entertainment purposes, as well as for celebrating rituals, rites of passage, and speaking to the dead, as in the African tradition and cultural heritage. These big, lavish parties always took place in the evening and the environment was that of gaiety.
Gaiety = Gay (must always invert everything, turn it all upside down, usch as the cross on Elon's back)
Originally part of a cycle of pagan festivities celebrating the advent of the spring planting season, in the Middle Ages, Carnival began after the winter solstice as part of the Feast of Fools, for which the congregation elected abbots and bishops from among the junior clergy who masked and dressed in women's clothes ...
Its origins can be found in the fifteenth-century Venetian Carnival, May Day celebrations, and the Italian commedia dell'arte. Individuals attending a masquerade often wore masks and they were able to transgress social, class, sexual and racial boundaries.2024 Leo 20

What is the significance of the masquerades?
In Africa, masquerade has been an integral part of indigenous religious and social practices for many different cultures. Masquerade in West Africa has its roots in indigenous religious beliefs and practices, where it was used to communicate with the gods, spirits, and ancestors.
What is the theory of masquerade?
The term sexual “masquerade” comes from an article written by the psychoanalyst Joan Rivière in 1929 to refer to a woman taking herself for a man disguised as a woman, and thus masquerading as a castrated woman (“Womanliness as Masquerade”). (TALK ABOUT A MIND FUCK)
What is the story of the masked ball?
The plot concerns the assassination in 1792 of King Gustav III of Sweden who was shot, as the result of a political conspiracy, while attending a masked ball, dying of his wounds thirteen days later.

Finally surfaces the numerology. The love for keeping records, almost obsessive compulsive, everything must be recorded. 
The Interview conducted with Alien in the 1960's the Alien offers mysterious tit-bits of information that fly over the heads of the interviewers. Because they not trained to listen, but to ask questions. Need to know basis only. 
This Alien talks about nature vs nurture. They are watching to see if the teachings and the life of Yeshua will make a difference and sway the events that are enevitable unless we as humanity change. Can we chose the nurturing of Jesus Christ, the love of a man born from a God that is falsely accused, be littled attacked, blasphemied and shamed. Our Father in Heaven. This was the mission and purpose of Jesus to teach us to nurture ourselves and each other. The bond that we are created with found by the CIA, the God factor in us that threatens everything because along with that love comes a knowing that is unshakable. 
The scientists conducting the enterview ask the Alien what caused the nuclear explosion.
The Alien stares at them: DOGMA!
Their insatiable need for sacrifice will be their own destruction. 
Will Elon Musk save us? 
If we still asking this uestion then you failed to read the above and failed to understand the assignment.

Kingdom of Aksum

The Kingdom of Aksum,[note 1][a] or the Aksumite Empire,[b] was a kingdom in East Africa and South Arabia from classical antiquity to the Middle Ages, based in what is now northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, and spanning present-day Djibouti and Sudan. Emerging from the earlier Dʿmt civilization, the kingdom was founded in the first century.[8][9] The city of Axum served as the kingdom's capital for many centuries until it relocated to Kubar[10] in the ninth century due to declining trade connections and recurring external invasions.[11][1

To find ourselves in 2025 arguing over land when our history is filled with conquering, capturing, pilage and violence is unfathomable. While the Western world is drowning in filth: the morals and values attacked, discarded and destroyed as society finds itself overwhelmed and hopeless. The confusion exists only in your mind. Under the nurturing and protective power our soul is re-established with Creation and our creativity and love flow through our parched dry bones. Only Jesus can replenish, heal and refill our Spirits. 

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Nature Vs Nurture. It's our choice. 


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