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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Power of the People got The Memo Released! Never forget this!

Here we are and they released the memo! A triumph for The People!  This is something everyone who took part in Twitter must recognize and understand. We Won! Now focus on what is important to you and stand together again! Stand for Freedom! Alex Jones at Infowars is promoting Humanity, it's not about black or white, it's about ALL LIVES MATTER! We need jobs, homes, education, healthcare, but mostly we demand our privacy! Did anyone mistrust President Donald Trump when he said he was tapped? From Watergate to Clintongate, we all instinctively knew he was telling the truth, the truth resonates within us. The many, many lies could not stand against the truth and the truth has surfaced as it always will, we cannot bury or hide from ourselves. In the old days hanging would come to mind, but this is not the wild wild west, and trials for all those implicated will be a nightmare for the USA, so this is perhaps the best time to prepare yourself for a very bad scenario. Wounded animals...


David Icke feels that we will see more and more dialogue regarding a world government. We know he is 100% correct, but here's the thing, see people don't like people telling us what to do. So while their objective is to have a One World Government, they are delusional and need to wake the fuck up.  No country will surrender to a one world government. Japan will no more take orders than South Africans will unite against Jacob Zuma!       Ah the delusional power hungry Zionists that hijacked Israel and the Jews and hold them hostage in a land that is not theirs as they terminate Palestine, people fighting for the right to govern themselves, yes, it's abundantly clear that we will roll over and say yes to a one world government. But when they hold the rain. Then anything is possible. Blackmail. Palestine was given to the Zionists who led unsuspecting Jews into the "promised land" promised by England who is German who came from Rome and the red cape was replaced b...


Good morning world! Well I finally discovered the role of cell phones. WE would have no internet, no smart grid, no RFID chip, no police state without our cell phones. The question was: How do we connect the world?  We give them cell phones to carry and then we track their movement, GPS, this gave them the power to map out our movements, the rest followed naturally. WE never required a cell phone. The money the poor have poured into financing their own death is criminal.  Then came RICA. Proof of address, proof of identification and then the cell companies still have the right to cancel our numbers at their will and we remain powerless. We started out with a phone that was able to make calls and text. While they mapped out a grid, we upgraded and upgraded and look where we are now, we take a simple picture and everything anyone could possibly want to know lies hidden in that picture. Only it didn't much help Philip from flight MH 370. No one came to save him on Diego G...

Walking Zombies and Pawn becoming Queen

Sometimes a pawn becomes a queen! It is rare, but stranger things have happened and I am not talking about the Royal couple in the headlines, I am talking about you and myself, The People.  There is a reason that the pawn becomes Queen, because the pawn is the female of the chess species and the female always dominates, this is how it is in nature and though men for centuries fought to suppress women, this will be something your species should think about as some men out there have lost all respect for women as a species and this is as true for women. If you still here, we had better start accepting each other and our many, many differences because we all walking zombies! (Still here?) At this point most of my family would have already walked away.  See here's the thing: When the life force within us which is our Soul is sucked away from within us, we keep compensating on a daily basis accepting the rising levels of indifference.  The walls have us enclosed in our own b...

The Farms in the Eastern Cape South Africa.

Currently we stand at 55.91 Million in South Africa! We Are 55 million strong and we have sat back and betrayed our country. The land of milk and honey, where gold fills the earth and fish fill our oceans, wildlife grazes and 55 million people each have their very own unique story to tell.  There is similarity and we are all connected by choice, because we choose to live here, we want to be a apart of this land, we are a part of this land. It is not in the nature of humanity to hate each other, a wise old man that so many love to insult, trample on his hopes and dreams and destroy his legacy, but greatness never dies. The man in body is gone, but his spirit lives on in the hearts and lives of all who love him. He knew none of us are born hating.   There is a story that must be told, it must be put to paper, for the ghost that stands now, demands to rest in peace, but will not go until the story is told.     There is a homestead burned and destroyed ...

South Africa: Stand for the Dream of President Nelson Mandela!

There's a restlessness within my Spirit, so tonight I cannot sleep. I sit here watching YouTube clips, processing thoughts and all the time there is a fear that churns within me.  For my country, South Africa? What have you all done? Our leaders. Those who must answer to the children to whom this Earth belongs, for this is not ours, we are lent to this place, we come here to experience life. To hug, to learn to laugh, to fully experience our senses and we have chosen to kill. What has the ANC done? The ANC is no terrorist organisation, they are much, much worse. Masquerading as the oppressed, the evil that lurks within the ANC is unspeakable and it breaks my heart to pen these words. Using beautiful people, truly oppressed, people that re talented, happy with the basics and want for little in life, evil corrupted and enslaved them. Greed, power, lust, death follows these men and they are not bound by color. They use color as their primary weapon of mass destruction, they have no r...

Logan's Unforgivable Sin

Sin is doing what you know is wrong, inside us we know our actions are wrong, but we follow through with our action and this is the meaning of SIN. Logan, the movie's unforgivable sin is that all those who are part of this movie have agreed to involve children in violence, crime, and Murder. Open minds have led us to accept the most unthinkable and watch the most unforgettable offensive pure bullshit over the past 17 years, but Logan is the movie that has ended my desire to watch movies, even my Colombo, Magnum PI seems such a fraud right now.  The never-ending attack on our senses, our belief systems, our values and mostly our relationships with our doctors. House really encouraged the medical profession to tell us patients exactly how little we mattered. Dialogue in the movies we spend our hard earned buck to toss at garbage, dialogue that three years old wrote along with plot structure that has us bored within fifteen minutes and all betting on the next line and next predi...

January 2018

What do we do when our anti-depressants don't work? When a joint no longer heals? When we perceive the world to be nothing but perfect darkness? When there is no hope? How did I find this place and how do I escape? It's a land of hopelessness, a land where there is no laughter, there is nothing but a deep void of darkness that sucks away at everything our mind, body and soul finds in an attempt to rescue us from this place. Nowhere land. Now here. Nowhere is actually now here. Everyone of us will find this place. This is the destination of the new world order, this special creation where we are doomed to discover. Some of us fight to escape so we turn to more powerful drugs, cocaine, oxy, whatever. Relief. We want relief from this darkness. Drugs are rife. It's everywhere, they in places that boggle the mind and it's one step away from all of us, we tethering on the edge and our leaders are doing everything in their power to push us over the edge. They want our minds. ...