Here we are and they released the memo! A triumph for The People! This is something everyone who took part in Twitter must recognize and understand. We Won! Now focus on what is important to you and stand together again! Stand for Freedom! Alex Jones at Infowars is promoting Humanity, it's not about black or white, it's about ALL LIVES MATTER! We need jobs, homes, education, healthcare, but mostly we demand our privacy! Did anyone mistrust President Donald Trump when he said he was tapped? From Watergate to Clintongate, we all instinctively knew he was telling the truth, the truth resonates within us. The many, many lies could not stand against the truth and the truth has surfaced as it always will, we cannot bury or hide from ourselves. In the old days hanging would come to mind, but this is not the wild wild west, and trials for all those implicated will be a nightmare for the USA, so this is perhaps the best time to prepare yourself for a very bad scenario. Wounded animals...