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Showing posts from August, 2018

Observation for August 31 2018

Friday 31 August 2018, I sat as I often do, but this afternoon was different! There was a moment of recognition as I gazed out at the view from our apartment building I saw something that left me shaken and changed me forever! I saw a painting! The city that sprawled out before my eyes was beautiful beyond description and allowed my eyes to take in the grays.....there are many, many shades of grey......we are taught about life being black or white and yes, there are many black and white issues not open for debate and not open for discussion, there are many shades of grey and life is in  fact art! To write this sounds bizarre as most of my writing, but my brain is exceptional for it thinks entirely for itself! The programming is being slowly day by day transformed and with the help of those that dance into my life and inspire me and shake me awake, the mind is transformed and what was and is and what is to be is something that holds fear, but in that fear is a sense of knowing all ...


Crystal Clear! Let me make something crystal clear: President Donald Trump is the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! You may like may hate it.....but the FACT remains HE IS POTUS! He IS COMMANDER IN-CHIEF! Now the longer the press, all press, any press ignore this FACT, and continue to harm this administration, let me tell you all, that there is always one rule: You are either with me or against me! When we have a PRESIDENT that is openly standing for THE PEOPLE, and the media choose to make THE PRESIDENT the enemy.....then we all know that that the media is the enemy of the people! President Trump is the number One citizen of  the United States of America, he will express his opinion as will all citizens of the world! Algorithms and censoring..... Do what we must do in order to survive......this is what we have to do! God bless and stay focused!       

This Proves WE ARE TESLA 3-6-9! Brain food!

I did what they told me to do! You will hear key evidence that is given here under oath, testifying to the fact that these monsters are dead inside! They are the walking dead and they walk among us.....they give us scripts and they film us so they can feed on our fear, our emotions are food to them. Hence Michael Jackson told us repeatedly: You're a vegetable, you're a vegetable!  A couch potato? We Are Pure Energy and we are their food source and we have got to pay attention to what we feed our thoughts....thoughts create and we are creating their world....not ours! If we are to live and if we love ourselves and our children, we will focus on creating life....what do you feed your brain? watch powered by human bodies! I rest my case!

Humanity: The Basics

ABBA told us :Money, money, money must be funny in a rich man's world.....Cyndy Louper told us: Money changes everything and the list goes on and so we have been deceived into thinking that money is what drives this world! This is all about money! Under scrutiny this theory folded, what is money, completely dissolves this belief system. Money is silver and gold. But money is paper! But we have cyber where is money and what is money? It's power! The illusion of money creates the illusion of power! What makes this world go around and keeps it spinning and why if the world is flat did they need to make us believe it was round? When we open our minds, and allow them to run free and explore all options, tell me what answers do you find?         The purpose of our lives is that we are alive! It's this simple and this complicated! The only way to explain this and for us to comprehend this, is so imagine, watching someone being alive and unable to live, want...

South Africa......You Are Either For God or Against Him.....

There is a magic that is happening to you and me every day of our lives, we see and we want and we buy! Now imagine for a second you walk into a jewelry store and you purchase for the love of your life the most beautiful ring in the store! Then you open your front door to the police and find out you are under arrest for having stolen that most beautiful ring! You are now a thief! Armed with the receipt, you struggle to explain your situation, but you are tossed into jail, branded a criminal, and the jewelry store gets the ring and the money you paid for it! This just cannot be right! Against the law, how can this be? An entire nation is asking themselves this question and have been asking this question for years! We all thought South Africa would be destroyed by President Nelson Mandela, but how he proved the world wrong, and how they hate him for it! No Black man will ever hold the honor and sainthood that Nelson Mandela earned and deserves! It's not me who is saying this, this t...

Never Say Never!

Trivial Pursuit...... Ever noticed how we have to repeat everything, once just is not enough, in order to make a point or get our message across, we have to hit the repeat button as many times as we like before we hope and pray, we get our message across and then it's lost in translation because we all on different wave lengths and frequencies and thought patterns that the message is distorted and misunderstood. Patience is a virtue, mine is running on empty and the frustration and anger that wells inside is quite bewildering, yet taking a deep breath and pausing will find me the solutions required for the situation at hand. This is why I am a casual smoker, cigarettes help! The world truly hates smokers, we the last of the dying rebel breed. The ones that stubbornly cling to our cancer sticks and contribute to pollution, the way we are stuck behind glass cages we are the contagion! But it's that flicker of the lighter, the first deep drag and the time it takes to stand ther...

I am Just a Casual Smoker!

So, they want to get your weapons? They have already disarmed a majority of the world! Please note, are you paying attention? The Crime in those countries are worse off, far worse off than the citizens armed and defending themselves! But who the hell am I! Don't take my word for it! Do you know the difference between words and worlds? The Word is written but life is not present, in world, words are written filled with life! So decide, who are we? How did we all start smoking? The Movies! How did they make us all quit? They stopped smoking in the movies! In fact, it was the movies that have set every challenge that we face! We have race wars because we watch and imitate!  We mimic because we are the children of the Creator of this Universe and creating is what we do! They can only write, they cannot be, so they use us to fulfill their sick depraved thoughts! This is a working theory many millions believe, smokers have become demonized and somehow Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp got looped ...

The World we live in and the stench of Journalism!

Thank God the greatest saints on Earth are all dead! I am no saint, in another life, I would have esteemed to be one, in this life, all I ever wanted was to be a mother and I am a mother and I love my children, all children. Their minds are precious sponges waiting to soak up theories and they have opinions and ideas of their own. Spending time with a child is like hanging out with an angel. Yesterday on YouTube, ABC from Australia posted a clip: Is it Crime or Punishment? Talking about the white deaths in South Africa. There is not a human on this planet that does not have a reasonable expectation of when they walk into their home and lock their doors they are safe there until they leave the next morning! So, when an attack takes place in YOUR home that is a crime! The idiotic contempt that journalists display for humanity is beyond my consumption level and I can no longer entertain your idiotic train of thought! You work and go home and no one is coming to kill you! South Africa i...

Tesla 3-6-9

First, they came for Our jobs Replacing us with their A.I. They they came for our homes, calling IT, the Holy Fire! Tomorrow, they plan to come for us Ask yourself, who will run our lives Tomorrow, they will find Time is NOW on Our Side! It's NOT White folks coming for your homes this is not war against races this is not war against different faces this war on you and me this is war brought by poverty this war will not discriminate this war is driven by their hate but Love has the victory Love wins, it's truth and fate! Racism is just a disguise Racism is lie We bought it and even believed We hated for no reason, this is Not that Season! We determine whom we are, the man/woman deep inside We Are all we create, because it's thoughts that generate The life we hereby live We Create and we consume But the clock is ticking Tic tock, tic-tock The Last man standing Will stand in truth Love and harmony Pure Consciousness cannot be stolen Pure Con...


I swear these idiots are brain dead! There is no way we doing banking on Facebook! Mark Suckerberg.....seriously? We have all been dating.....and a lot of marriages are due to Facebook as well as many, many nightmares....and don't say..same difference...some marriages are awesome! So, there you go, get Facebook and do your banking, not only do they know where you go, they will know what you and how much you spend, where and how, of course they already know this, but one stop shopping is so much easier than looking for the data!    Go ahead and make FACEBOOK (cia Cowards in action) DAY!


Imagine free electricity! Imagine homes that we build from the Earth and imagine a life where we plant and grow our own food! We had all this! We were richer in our most poverty stricken times than we will ever be again. We had it all and we had everything required to be healthy, happy and live a life of abundance! We visited and we shared, we helped build barns and homes and we gathered at churches not just for weddings or funerals, but every chance we got, we tended graves and we reached out and no man was ever left behind. We had everything we needed, until came along and now we have everything money can buy and we are lost, alone and broken! We are infected with the zombie virus, a virus that consumes and demands and drives us insane with the need to have more than we ever need, but we must consume, we must have, we must compete and we must win at all costs! But what are we winning and what are we loosing and what have we forgotten? We are dying as daily our hum...


The Ugly Lie of Homelessness! So the price of our rent is increasing, they are burning down our homes, our havens, taking our sovereign right, our place of safety and when there is no haven from life's storms, we make shelters and we become homeless! Not every homeless person is a drug addict! Not everyone living on the street is an alcoholic! There are laws that prohibit us from feeding homeless! Those homeless are you and they are me! It's a matter of time, I have been down this road, I know what struggling is all about and I know what is happening out there. We have a family that we provide free accommodation too because they would be out on the street and they cannot afford to eat, let alone pay rent! My hubby and I are all that stand between them and a world of what? Nothing? Is nothing an option? There are hundreds and thousands of South Africans that are living on the charity of other South Africans, it's the only ...


STOP! PAUSE!LOOK! THINK! Who the hell do you think you are? I get asked this question a lot! Here's my reply! I AM and that's all the reason I need to question, write and express myself! I don't know who you think you are, but I AM! I AM here this is my world and what the hell have you done to it? This isn't for the good guys out there, this is for those that sacrifice innocence and you know exactly how evil you are! I AM not afraid of you, my family, my home and my life is bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, a choice He made to surrender his life that those who speak His name will never walk alone again. The artificial intelligence that you are creating is mockery to God. Here we stand, the image of perfection, a body that heals itself and adapts to it's environment, we get to swim and walk this planet and we take for granted all that is mystical and wonderful without question, we dive off mountains into depths and we do this out of trust! We tru...

A Conservative Disease?

The People who pay taxes, have been called deplorable s, now we are conservative disease! The Democratic party along with the ANC in South Africa is dead. There is no more spin, no more promises, you are left with nothing more to sell The People! How dare anyone, let alone The President of a country, the number one citizen of South Africa, a man who owns various business advocate to have someone else's business taken without compensation! How dare you? How dare you call hard working people deplorable and then have another Democrat come out and say: The Conservatives are a disease!      Well, I am happy to tell you that we intend infecting as many as possible with truth! When the world is upside down, it's up to us, the taxpayer, to right the wrongs or fight to do so, but we cannot stand back and allow this bullshit! They poisoning oUr air, they have poisoned our food, I got an allergy attack from chewing on a raw carrot, went into severe shock and had to have medical ...

The War on US!

I don't understand! How are you all so calm about this! We purchased our home in South Africa and no one just handed us the keys, we had to fillout paperwork like you cannot believe, we had to provide endless information, copies of a marriage certificate and we had to wait before the bank decided on the loan, this is not our home, it belongs to the bank and we are renting from the bank until we have paid off the debt and the title deed then belongs to us! Not one home destroyed along with cars, business etc was given to anyone. These are YOUR assets! How dare they! How dare anyone come along and wipe out everything we have worked our lives, sacrificed and in a press of the button erase our lives? I am sick inside. Sick and frustrated and angry as hell! Trauma induced stress leaves us with an inability to make decisions. Those who have lost their homes, their business, their jobs, their loved ones are in a place of numbness! The numbness will pass, we have to decide, what are ...

Re-incarnation, Abortion, Think about it!

Wanting the cake, the icing sugar and the cherry too!  Seriously, if we are to give re-incarnation serious consideration, surely you would have to concede that your logic is idiotic at best and perhaps it would be in the interest of all of humanity, where you to pause and reconsider! For if we are to entertain the theory that when we die we are simply re-incarnated until we stop the cycle and realize our actions on Earth determine our ability to arise and transition from the soul trap into Paradise/Heaven/Eden/Heaven?      Heaven has a code of conduct! There is no pain, no death, no sorrow, no misery. Here there is harmony, agreement, and alignment.  We are all ONE! Neither color, neither race, neither political or religious beliefs, there is only LOVE! Heaven will not become a reality until we acknowledge Jesus Christ! This is respect for the price he paid for our lives! There was never ONE cross, there were three! There was never One tree in Eden, the...

Your Home is Your Sovereign Right!

How many songs did we sing with the word Fire in the lyrics? How many?  Not one of these homes were obtained without paperwork, stress and endless accomplishments. Our homes represent contracts that come with commitments and payments that must be made or we will lose the right to our homes! These are the T'and C's that apply to us, but not to them! They own nothing, everything belongs to the corporation, they have nothing, so nothing can be taken! They think they are so brilliant and so smart!     Their greed to usher in the NWO has pushed me over my limits and I can sit here no longer and simply watch all this destruction. This is someone's home. When you leave work, where do you go? A place to shower, make a meal, get some rest before we do it all again. We go HOME! These people cannot go home because someone plotted, planned and executed their strategy to reclaim the land and fEMA just ordered more disposable coffins! Not even made in the USA, they imported f...