Friday 31 August 2018, I sat as I often do, but this afternoon was different! There was a moment of recognition as I gazed out at the view from our apartment building I saw something that left me shaken and changed me forever! I saw a painting! The city that sprawled out before my eyes was beautiful beyond description and allowed my eyes to take in the grays.....there are many, many shades of grey......we are taught about life being black or white and yes, there are many black and white issues not open for debate and not open for discussion, there are many shades of grey and life is in fact art! To write this sounds bizarre as most of my writing, but my brain is exceptional for it thinks entirely for itself! The programming is being slowly day by day transformed and with the help of those that dance into my life and inspire me and shake me awake, the mind is transformed and what was and is and what is to be is something that holds fear, but in that fear is a sense of knowing all ...