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Showing posts from May, 2018

Basic Respect for Each Other!

LGBT people! I understand you and understand you don't choose your condition! Who am I to judge? These are just a few quotes from The Pope, apparently when we are someone we can say anything and it becomes acceptable! We, The common average Joe, don't get to express an opinion, we don't get to have a view point, we die so the rich may live! If you know the expression "makes my blood boil" then perhaps it's time that you and you and you in the back over there scoffing and filled with self interest, think for yourselves! The world is the same every where! It really doesn't matter where we go, travelling and tourism is pointless! What the hell do you go on trips for if we spend our lives in more shopping malls, buying the same crap made in China. One country churning out, just churning out stuff no one needs or wants, flooding the market with the greatest rip off in decades, I give you the WISH app! There is no LGBT, every time someone says this, I am thinki...

The ANC Stands Charged and Accused of Economic Disaster in South Africa

A list of my crime.....according to whom? In 2004, we gave a cheque to our attorney to purchase a 3 bedroom house for the value of R120 000.00. This was the complete purchase price, not including transfer costs etc. My husbands father bought a home for R 260 000.00 and my mother inherited a 6 bedroom house at the sea for R280 000.00. In 2012 we sold the house my father purchased for R260 000.00 sold at R680 000.00.  This was a clean R680 000.00 in our pocket. The house had long ago been paid off and there was nothing owning, the housing market had spiked in South Africa and many, many home owners were elevated to instant millionaires. There's a big difference in purchasing a home that is affordable and we just bought a home for R1.2million.  My husband works six days a week, he does not have his own business, he answers to a boss and has to make his plans and payments and meet the demands placed on him because he is responsible and the economy depends on our contribut...

South Africa: A Product for Tomorrow!

critique krɪˈtiːk/ noun 1. a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. "a critique of Marxist historicism" synonyms: analysis ,  evaluation ,  assessment ,  appraisal ,  appreciation ,  review ,  write-up ;  More verb 1. evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way. "the authors critique the methods and practices used in the research" critic ˈkrɪtɪk/ noun plural noun:  critics 1. a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something. "critics of the new legislation say it is too broad" synonyms: detractor , censurer,  attacker , fault-finder, carper, backbiter, caviller, reviler, vilifier, traducer,   disparager , denigrator, deprecator, belittler;  More 2. ...


The longer I live, the more I find, life is entirely about leadership, ownership and surrender, the war between body, mind and soul.  This is something everyone that walks this earth will come to understand in our own unique way, often when we speak, we saying the same thing, we just on a slightly different frequency and we are competing instead of offering support, basically if this country was a rugby team, we really suck right now! I know squat about rugby so this isn't a layman's opinion, this is just mine. It stands to reason that if you want a strong team keep the players in the positions where they are best suited, this chopping and changing the team, breaks the momentum and morale is everything, every general knows the war is won in the mind! Yes, and I am no expert on military tactics, just female vengeance! When you love, love deeply! Love with a passion, love with commitment and love with devotion, because your enemy hates you 100 times more than anything you could ...


I don't do YouTube videos and I respect each and everyone who does! From the moment that I am aware that a camera is on me, I go into portrayal and I can't keep it real, so this is my release, what you read here, this is the message that lives within me and that wants out. Thoughts spark in my mind and thoughts lead me to this place where I seat myself and begin to pour from some place deep within me comes a message for me! I share this only with the intention that perhaps someone else is sharing this experience, this is neither wrong nor right, this is an experience and thought process that is being shared in the interest of understanding and experiencing Infinite unconditional love.         Ernst Roets earnest 1 ˈəːnɪst/ adjective resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction. "an earnest student" synonyms: serious ,  serious-minded ,  solemn ,  grave ,  sober ,  humourless ,  staid ,  steady...