Know ye not that ye are Gods? The Kingdom of God lies within! Life exists in The Knowing! For the purpose of the discussion or thought stimulation, we going to Imagine. Imagine that everything around us, everything we think, feel and do is an experiment. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have arrived here at this place at this time and this is what it is! This is our world. We find ourselves Economic slaves, shackled to our jobs, while others raise our children, we educate classrooms of children with information we believe to be true when we know differently, but we block out the reminders, we dilute the truth and we lie to ourselves. Social media is our greatest power and this is a wonderful chance to unite the world. But we have to realize that if we continue on this course we will fail and the experimentation will be a complete and utter failure. I don't do failure and I don't quit. I am strong eno...