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Showing posts from October, 2017

Imagine......It's Powerful!

Know ye not that ye are Gods?     The Kingdom of God lies within!         Life exists in The Knowing!  For the purpose of the discussion or thought stimulation, we going to Imagine. Imagine that everything around us, everything we think, feel and do is an experiment. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have arrived here at this place at this time and this is what it is! This is our world. We find ourselves Economic slaves, shackled to our jobs, while others raise our children, we educate classrooms of children with information we believe to be true when we know differently, but we block out the reminders, we dilute the truth and we lie to ourselves. Social media is our greatest power and this is a wonderful chance to unite the world. But we have to realize that if we continue on this course we will fail and the experimentation will be a complete and utter failure.  I don't do failure and I don't quit. I am strong eno...

Dark Side Of The Moon!

Roger Waters! Poetry Genius. Pink Floyd....a gift long may we continue to appreciate them. Dark Side Of The Moon.  The Dark Side Of The Moon (1990 Movie) Plot:    In the near future, a maintenance vehicle is orbiting the Earth on a mission to repair nuclear-armed satellites. Suddenly, the crew experiences a mysterious, inexplicable power failure that cannot be accounted for. As the ship grows colder, they find themselves drifting toward the dark side of the Moon. An old NASA shuttle, the  Discovery , drifts toward them, although NASA has not been operating for 30 years. Two of the crew members board the ship and find a dead body. The mission records of the crew's own ship indicate that the shuttle they have found disappeared in the  Bermuda Triangle  many years before. So what is it doing in space? As they attempt to solve this mystery, it quickly becomes apparent that a malevolent force has been waiting on the NASA shuttle, using the aforesaid de...

Here I AM Sir Evelyn Robert De Rothchild.

Here we are Wednesday evening, October 18 2017.  Today listening to The Kev Baker show, I got to listen to Christopher Everard.........and there sang my soul! The truth broke free and things that I had been writing about, my premonitions were spot on and I closed my eyes and said: Thank You Yeshua! Please give Chris a listen.  Then something strange happened, just a small stupid but nevertheless interesting! So I shall share it!  UnConditionalLove Berni 7 hours ago (edited) So "Reverse Chess" posts the letter by the Rothchilds to cease and desist ( here is my comment: Not only will the USA NOT Cease and Desist, we will engage in economic warfare the likes of which will crush the Rothchilds! You will rue the day you were born and conceived a plot to defraud the world! Karma will destroy you! You already broke! Of course they would issue a ...

Where are the Wolves???

Molly's first memory was the scream, she still awoke, cold and shaking from his high pitched scream that somehow left his lips to reside forever, caught, held and trapped in her soul. Her brother's scream as they wrestled and she gasped in shock as she backed away, looking dazed as his blood dripped from his ear and the white snow became red.  She closed her eyes and moaned as she saw him again back away from her. Things were never the same after that, fear filled Molly, afraid of herself, she backed away from her siblings and watched as they played. She became their guardian, always watchful, always alert, always there to lend a helping hand. In winter she fed them, laughing at their inability to hunt for themselves. The family of four had faced many winters and summers.  It was at the death of their parents, when Molly found herself growling and snarling, the noise both frightened and excited her. Her siblings grief went unnoticed as she fought the desire to rip into t...

THE NFL.......Movement must start somewhere

Movement must start somewhere, the Football players/athletes have taken a stand and now we, The People need to follow through and back up these guys.  The Zionist Globalists have strategically placed themselves throughout the world to usher in their New World Order. Only sadly daddy Bush, you will not succeed! The Zionists made a covenant with the Reptilians and the many entities that have traveled to this our world.  Our controllers/leaders want us, the world, to submit to complete control and world domination. We will be the cattle and they will become the gods, this is their view, their ideal, their vision. The day Moses left Egypt, the Hebrew nation pledged never to return to slaves ever again. However, the God of Creation, Adam and Jesus finds service rewarding, honorable and greatness.  The Zionist rules this world and with every passing day the monster becomes bold and daring as they step out of the darkness and declare themselves before us. 1) Monsanto (Genetica...


George Harrison Lyrics Play "Isn't It A Pity (Ve…" "Isn't It A Pity (Version 1)" Isn't it a pity Now, isn't it a shame How we break each other's hearts And cause each other pain How we take each other's love Without thinking anymore Forgetting to give back Isn't it a pity Some things take so long But how do I explain When not too many people Can see we're all the same And because of all their tears Their eyes can't hope to see The beauty that surrounds them Isn't it a pity Isn't it a pity Isn't is a shame How we break each other's hearts And cause each other pain How we take each other's love Without thinking anymore Forgetting to give back Isn't it a pity Forgetting to give back Isn't it a pity Forgetting to give back Now, isn't it a pity [6 times, fade the 6th:] What a pity What a pity, pity, pity What a pity What a pity, pity, pity pity ˈpɪti/ noun 1 . th...

Confessions from The Reptilians!

Ronald Reagan tried to warn us and perhaps many before, but mostly as I type this is dear President Ronald Reagan who's face I see in my memory and his words that hint that at some point humanity will have to unite, good and evil, in order to survive. The "hides" that the elite have mock humanity with the definition of dumb's, see in Winston Churchill style, Madam, I may be drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you shall still be ugly! They will become the food for the Reptilians, see in the Word of God it is written that no one shall escape destruction. There was a Treaty or Covenant signed and declared between the Reptilians and Humanity and it has been violated by the Reptilians. The Alien Covenant clearly is explaining our history past, present or future, for there is nothing new under the sun and everything that came to pass, shall come to pass, hold on to love and justice! Hold on to the Cross, hold on to each other!          This is the very fi...

The House Divided

What is the house that Jesus said stands divided? It is the house of the Dragon Pure Evil and Intent joined in a war to destroy all humanity knowing full well they will attack each other one way or another divide and conquer tis not their's exclusively tis a strategy not an entity divide and conquer! Where did we get technology watch Alien Covenant What Evil has failed to grasp is that in the face face of self destruction comes an ever outstretched hand Infinite Love and All Possibility Turquoise and blue or the emerald green to the soft  new birth of a tree's first leaf take a page and write new history be the first chapter in the chronicles of Love A new day will dawn INFINITE LOVE AND ALL POSSIBILITY


If you listen carefully If you open your mind  You will see You will hear their spoken words and you will finally understand  They have betrayed themselves. For God is a God of Love and Emotion Emotion is feeling  feeling is life with every self mutiliation self inflicted humiliation self degredation self inflicted cruelty that is  mental, physical, emotional experience Evil is persecuting life.... Why do you allow this? I did not come here for the healthy my children love me as I have loved them We are One in My Infinite Love and All Possibility I have come for the wretched, the dying and the crying You do not have to participate You do not have to hate lay down your weapons lay down your guns all you mother's of zion all you abraham's sons you don't have to die Jesus Christ draws near There is peace  There is love There is joy, hope and laughter We laugh not because we high Our Spirit rides ...


I have just discovered that our team leader has no vision, no plan and no goal for our team. How did he propose to accomplish anything with none of the above! Before a building is built, we start with a blueprint. Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, everything is carefully taken into consideration, carefully planned, the plans are submitted for approval and then the team is assembled. If there is no one on the team with a vision, work ethic and strong will and determination, all the physical power in the world will not get that building completed! Everything starts in the mind. This is your life, this is our world, this is our planet and it is being managed with extreme negative agenda. This stops now.          Do you have a blueprint for your life?  Because someone has one for all of us and it's not motivated by greatness, it's motivated by extreme negative forces the likes of which we cannot comprehend. This negativity will be crushed, destroy...

Human Race Arise!

I awoke from a bad dream and I was aware I felt edgy, as I went through the motions of a morning routine, I found myself acknowledging that lately I was angry at everything. This is NOT my character, I am easy going, will get hurt but will make sure everyone around me has their needs met, so where was motivating this anger? I sat back and smoked a joint and for the very first time in forever found myself composing a song.  In fits of giggles I called my sister and began singing the song that goes like this: Diagnosing, diagnosing, we diagnosing, just diagnosing always knowing, we diagnosing,  can you hear us? Would you care?  (sung to the tune of Sailing)  If you lived in this house being one of the three determinedly opinionated women, you could well imagine.  The song died and suddenly I began to pour my heart out. My husband works away and I have NOT seen him for a year! When he returns home, I want him to quit his job and stay at home. I have my re...


CEASE AND DESIST ORDER! Cease and Desist Order . An official  order  handed down by a government agency or court directing a person or entity to stop doing something immediately is called a “ cease and desist order .” Such an  order  effectively places an injunction on the person or entity that prohibits the named activity as suspicious or illegal. 1) “Unruh really matches the mass murder profile. He had a rigid temperament, an inability to accept frustration or people not treating him as well as he wanted, and a feeling of isolation, all things people accept and move on from,” says  Katherine Ramsland , a professor of forensic psychology and the director of the master of arts in criminal justice at DeSales University, as well as the author of some 60 nonfiction books including  Inside the Mind of Mass Murderers: Why They Kill . “He had a free-floating anger, held grudges, owned weapons he knew how to use, and decided somebody was going to pay. It’s a ...